Earthquakes in Chile – message from our extended family

by Belinda Gore

There have been earthquakes in northern Chile and our friend Yasmin in Iquique just sent this email saying that there have been two earthquakes and a month of tremors leaving people stressed and panicked. They do not have light or water and now are having problems getting food since there are landslides and huge cracks in the one highway providing access. She says that the experts are telling them that more problems could be expected because all the energy beneath the earth has not yet been released.

Our local group will do postures sending them support and I am writing to ask you to also include them in your rituals and ceremonies. Our group in central Ohio will do the Bear Spirit posture to ask that balance and healing be given to the earth and to the people who are in need in Iquique. It is a service we can offer our friends there who have attended postures workshops near Santiago and who have invited me to come to northern Chile to teach next year.

Here is the letter from Yasmin:

Dear Belinda, things are very complicated, and we have two earthquakes and more than a month ago is shaking, which keeps people in a state of high stress and panic, we have no electricity or water and thus the problem of food, Iquique is isolated as there is only one path, and is cut by landslides and cracks only hope that mother Earth settles down a bit but experts say that is not released all the energy.

That is why my heart and thank you for supporting your group.
Let us take care of the Great Spirit
A huge hug