Artists & Spirit Series: The Mayan Flute

by Mark Gilliland

From my journey notes: I now follow a dangerous winding path to a marble temple that is also a school of secret knowledge. There are floor-to-ceiling Mayan hieroglyphs on the walls. I am there to learn. I am told to look into a pool of water and to visualize the future, the new world we will be coming into. I become aware that there are countless other beings around me doing the same thing. Collectively, creating the new world.

Other participants reported: Snakes, white bear, black bear, wolfs fighting, birds, heart opening, blooming water lily with a green and blue pearl at its center, descending a stone stairway to a cave tunnel lit by fire, rattles, a circle of shamanic figures.

Left image: The Maya Whistle Pose

Right Image: my ritual collar prop created for this posture.

EBP journey notes and digital image by Mark Gilliland ©2008-2014. See more visionary work at