Ecstatic Trance in Colombia

by Patricia Santamaria In Colombia we have practiced ecstatic trance using the Cuyamungue Method for more than three years, although I began to experience a connection with this knowledge more than five years ago when I had a series of dreams and visions in which a friend gave me gifts that my grandmother had sent me in order to heal hearts. Usually we practice ecstatic trance during the four main phases of the moon and on the equinoxes and solstices to take advantage of    the influence of these energies.  After each session, we are very happy, full of vitality and eager to return to the practice. Many people experience during the healing practice of some pain with which they came, others feel that swing, all sweat a lot.  Some people have become the wind and a crocodile that wallows in the mud;  another danced with a woman with black hair dressed in iridescent feathers; others feel that the body goes into a spiral, most of them  feel that their body vibrates, other see colors are iridescent lights, others feel a strong shock of energy running through the body and some feel unable to maintain certain positions. We always start to practice after setting a goal for both the group and the individuals, and at night after practice, it is usual that dreams are a kind of metaphor about what the person was consulting about or asking to be healed. Two years ago, we were visited by Belinda Gore and enjoyed as children making the masks of our power animals. Days after attending this workshop of several days of working with her, some people told me they had situations that changed their lives radically. As a radionics medicine therapist,  I am attending  some groups of teachers and people that working with children with AIDS and abandoned children and we have practiced ecstatic trance with them. I have even put some patients in postures while they are  lying on the stretcher.   I also found a strange relationship of some of the postures assumed by people suffering from epilepsy with “the position of the Lascaux Cave,” as if this position can be where they   arrive when ending the  epilepsy crisis. But perhaps the most wonderful of ecstatic trance, for me and my friend Philip who accompanies me with the drum and  my daughter Laura who sometimes accompanies me with the rattle, is the feeling of gratitude that the people express after the practice because they achieve a state of ecstasy. Another thing we are doing in Colombia is to visit archaeological places, and practice ecstatic trance in them. Archaeological places such as “Tierra Adentro”, “St. Augustine”, “Stones of Tunja,” “The mountains in “Lost City” are some of the places full of nature where we can also take advantage of the forces of the earth to feel energized. On August 16th, we will visit “Orion’s Gate” in the Guaviare State. We invite people from outside Colombia to join us for the purpose of healing our connection with Orion, while enjoying nature and learning the traditions of Guaviare (their typical food, handicrafts of indigenous people, etc). We have a link  where you can access the information on this and subsequent trips to other archaeological places in Colombia. We are also preparing for an upcoming national meeting of ecstatic trance in San Agustin, Colombia, with the teacher Belinda Gore. San Agustin is one of the most important archaeological parks in Colombia. We hope that people around the world come to Colombia to learn about our traditions and to share the experience of ecstatic trance with us. Of heart and with all my  gratitude to Felicitas Goodman and the people who currently guide the Institute Cuyamungue that she founded, to discover and keep teaching medicine ecstatic trance for all mankind. PATRICIA SANTAMARIA ESTATIC TRANCE IN COLOMBIA