From the Editor: “What’s Ecstatic About Ecstatic Trance Postures?”
“What happens in a Visionary Spirit Journey?
“What is the Experience?
All good questions, and the best answer we can provide (before you try it for yourself to provide your own answer of course) is to share this collection of notes from those who have. I’ve compiled notes from the journals of many of those joining us in our workshops and our ongoing Zoom sessions for the practice of Ecstatic Trance Postures (ETP) as taught and hosted by the Cuyamungue Institute (CI). Scroll down to hear in the voices of our participants what is ecstatic about their journeys. They tell it best. These reports were emailed in response to the long-standing request to add to the CI Archives, and with permission appear here too. They are in random order with last names omitted or initials used. Also omitted are the dates of the ETP journey, and the particular posture. Our purpose in sharing these reports here is to give you a sense of the experience. Unique and different every time you dive in, but often with much in common. You’ll see reports from first-time trances as well as those of us who with 10 years, 20 years, 30 years practice. English is not always the first language of our reporters. I have not edited for spelling or grammar.
What’s ecstatic about these experiences? It’s the palpable sense of going beyond our small self, beyond our ordinary reality. Depending upon the depth of our trance, we glimpse or we are fully immersed in something, somewhere, as wondrous and vast as the Cosmos. If you’ve ever doubted you have an energy body, you’ll find it with this work. We regularly see and feel lines of energy flowing through us, from Earth to the Heavens, through the Cosmos in a web, and its full of life force, downloads of wisdom, wisdom, grace, universal love, and more, all nicely summed up the catchall term, “energy.” But what’s truly ecstatic is the sense of peace, calm, acceptance, joy, gratitude, belonging, and being at home, and at One, with the Universe at large. The uplifting feelings that last long beyond the trance. That no matter if you have fully “launched” or not, chances are you come out of the trance feeling more at peace, more content, than when you entered.
Though relatively rare, pain can come and go. This is different from bending a knee that doesn’t want to bend. We instruct not to stress any part of the body that is sore, injured, replaced. We give instructions on stopping the trance at any time; self-care and knowing your limits and what’s best for you rests on your shoulders. Sometimes when pain arises, it can feel like it’s pushing through blocks in our subtle energy channels. Heat can show up in interesting ways, too.
You’ll read reports from those who were dealing with less than ideal conditions. Insistent doorbells ringing, pets and children ignoring the ‘do not disturb’ sign, trucks rumbling by, sirens howling, fatigue, low blood sugar, life handing out stressful situations, technical glitches in the delivery of the monotone beat of our rattles or drums over Zoom. Still, persistence can pay off, with perhaps not a peak moment in trance, but an experience worth the effort. We find that peak moments are, well, actually peaks, and they happen often enough, along with every other degree of the intensity of the experience. It’s all strengthening the neuro-connections and acclimatizing us to the gears shifting in support of this state. If we could only step in when the ideal conditions presented themselves, we’d loose out on so many opportunities, and ideal conditions do not necessarily deliver peak experiences. There are other forces at work here. Sometimes it’s just there when you can do nothing but surrender to the mysteries of it all, and you split wide open. Who can say? We’re dealing with the Mysteries here. We invite you to step up to the door and knock, throw open the conduits, let the energy flow. The safety mechanism here is that your body will never over-dose you, it will allow what it can handle. It’s all going to be interesting, and often, or often enough, full-tilt technicolor amazing. And every degree inbetween. And what the Universe has to say to us is energizing, comforting, supportive, and life-affirming. Good messages in these times, and from the ultimate in a trusted Source. The dive deep within will surprise and delight you. Thanks for your interest, and welcome to the CI Circle!
Laura Lee
A Journey to Earth, Sky and Underground
Dark grey skies, a landscape with flat dark rocks leading to a forest. A long straight road opens as far as I can see. The forest itself is very dark, many pairs of bright shining yellow slit eyes appear and I am feeling the presence of what I think are wolves. Coming out of the forest to a rocky coastline with high cliffs, flying along, Back down into the next forest, feeling the presence of wolves. No fear on my part, it feels very natural. One comes forward to greet me and then invites me to be part of their community.
Out of the forest, flying along the cliffs becoming part of a flock of birds, but only feeling their presence flying along with me, they welcome me to their flock.
Setting down after a while and encountering a snake and following it to an underground place, where there are a lot of snakes in a circle. I am a bit shocked at first, but see these are friendly snakes, and they welcome me to their community.
Coming back up I am being greeted by complete darkness and a starlit sky and the overwhelming, wonderful feeling of belonging, of being completely one with the universe.
As i write this in my journal, I find I don’t have adequate words for this indescribable feeling. One of the most significant moments of my life.
Hi there! I was on the zoom meet yesterday, and want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
It was such a lovely experience, and though I’ve not officially taken an Ecstatic Posture session with you before, it all felt very familiar. I am a seasoned journey maker, but the two of you – and the work – feels very familiar. Thank you for making it so welcoming and warming.
My experience was one of breathing a cosmic wind, while becoming very grounded. My navel area activated very strongly. As my skin came alive and with the tingling of this cosmic breath, energy moved toward and then down through my feet. I felt and then saw a golden umbilical cord appear from my navel, pulsating with the breath. As all of this happened, I was recalling the births of my children. Then, I felt as though I was moving toward the recall of my own cosmic birth.
A beautiful journey.
I will join as many meets with you as I am able to! Blessings and Gratitude
I was standing in posture. A field of barley grew up around me to my shoulder level. Lots of birds came into the field. My open mouth became my whole head. I convulsed with crying grief. I was in a total ecstatic trance. My body moving constantly. Bear came up behind me. Albatross landed on my head.
Very grateful for these experiences with you.
A large eye appears in front of me. A single eye. It observes me, looks right through me, it sees my soul. I gaze into the iris, I see a wise being behind this huge single eye, beautiful eye, and realize the iris is a cosmos, it is a portal to infinity. Am I there with a great cosmic being, that let me in, and through? For now I’m out in the cosmos, among the stars, the galaxies, feeling at peace, basking in the oneness, the comfort of the vastness. It’s warm, friendly, electrified with life force, intelligence, love for every molecule of Itself. It’s a friendly Universe. A loving Universe, and that knowledge, that grace, is permeating my being. E.L.
A huge bear is standing behind me. He is a spirit bear, powerful and gentle. I don’t see him, but I know he is there, some other sense is seeing him, recognizes him. I trust him for healing. I’ve been struggling with some internal stuck places, so welcome his paw which in one fell swoop cuts me open from head to toe. That same paw is now well inside my open brain case and i can actually feel it moving things around, its the weirdest sensation. But good, there’s some pressure being relieved. Im understanding, without words needed, that Bear is adjusting, rearranging, pulling out stringy stuff that sinks into the Earth as it hits the ground. Bear finally zips me up along my spine. I am then combed through with his great long claws as though getting my hair combed, but its the fibers of my being getting aligned. I had needed this kind of psychic surgery, I feel internal energy flowing now, unimpeded, happily coursing through all the fiber optics, the meridians, that must be there because I feel them humming away. Gratitude. Peace. Ease. —- P.H.
Dear Paul and Laura, I am sharing my experiences from recent trance session.
I first saw lots of colours, purples and flashes then a big eye came into view. Then I was riding up a mountain on the back of a bear with wolves running with us all together up into the sky and beyond, This went on for quite a while. Then a shaman all in red appeared with a staff which he banged really hard into the energy field (best way I can explain the ground where I was) and made big concentric circles (like when you through stone in a lake). It was like he was showing me that this was my energy and it was really powerful. A big eagle face appeared. More riding on the bear with wolves and going up and up feeling really light and feeling myself moving.
— Ann
I felt energy moving in spirals in my body and an immense heat in my left hand. I felt I was becoming really antique and getting smaller but growing gigantic at the same time. A female deity with large black wings began calling me saying “bless you child” over and over and then telling me to follow her. At first I told her I couldn’t because I was stuck but them I was flying with her really fast. I had to hold on tight and it was a bit scary but then I relaxed and enjoyed the ride. I saw a golden lady holding a little baby and then they both were wrapped in the spiral energy and disappeared. Then I was in a basket (bit like Moses) and the spirits were throwing me as if they were playing ball and it was making me laugh. After this I felt an enormous rush of energy and standing I begin to feel really full of this energy and becoming full of power. The energy pulls me up and blisses me out as it expands in my head with golden light. It’s like nothing I have felt before so hard to explain. My body begins to go from side to side, hand to hand, like I’m pivoting and I realise I am not doing this, it is just happening and that makes me smile again because I’m not doing anything at all, the spirits or the energy are moving me.
Sorry, I realise I changed tenses there!
Thank you for these sessions. I’m really getting a lot out of them so far. The effects seem to last a while too but hard to describe what they are. However, I had a really big pain in my back before we started on 16th and at the end it had nearly completely gone. I really don’t mind if there is no time to share during the feedback on Zoom and I know many people like to do that so I’m happy to leave space for others. It is amazing how many similarities there are in our experiences though.
Thanks again and see you next Saturday.
Warm wishes, Claire
When the rattling started, I kept on breathing deeply.
I felt myself swinging forward as if someone pulled me. During the session there was more swinging, mostly forth and back.
I could feel warmth in my right hand. It was red and orange and a lot of small snakes were coming out of my hand and crawling up my arm, then becoming one big strong snake. I tried to make connection, by saying “hello sister snake”, but she disappeared.
The upper left part of my body and in the whole of my face were cold, I felt a kind of freezing, stiffening.
Then my head was growing and turning into a huge cactus, a peyote in purple and green.
I became aware of tension in my back, starting from under both my shoulder blades and going up in a bow, ending a bit underneath my neck. I could feel this tension as a bright orange line. Then this line divided my body in an upper and lower part. They were separated from each other and a bright white light was coming out of my body at this line. (writing it down, it gives me an association with wings. If I should have wings, that’s the place where they’d be placed on my back – I’ll remember this, if I should ever feel this tension again at my back).
Then I saw blue in front of me and I followed it.
I started to make jumps in the air with head rolls, like an acrobat. I became a black dot, rolling in the air. Then I saw the air full of other black dots. We were all black flies. We started swarming to the same point, became one big black cloud. I couldn’t hear the buzzing, but I was aware of the movement of this thousands of wings and my whole body started vibrating because of this buzz.
I became aware that my upper legs felt very stiff and tense.
I saw one bigger fly. We were all torn towards her and then I was inside one of her eyes. The purple and green returned, with a metal brilliance. I understood that we were not really black, but that we were full with color. In these colors I felt a connection between the eye and my cactus head, but there was also somehow a connection between their forms, of being inside these forms. Then the rattling ended. (I think there might be a connection between the two, because they both offer a different way of perceiving the world and ourselves.)
I was feeling very dizzy when I sat down.
My body kept on vibrating for more than 30’. I know this a way of getting a deep healing.
The first hours I also needed to breath out very deeply. My heart kept on beating fast. I felt tired and relaxed, as if I had been in a sweat lodge for hours.
HI Laura and Paul
Thank you so much for your trance zoom. It had been a very long time since I last worked with postures. I have the four books, I knew there was such a posture. But I had never tried it out.
Turning slowly leftwise
Zoomet into the heart of the Earth
Into an endless light
Becoming one with this light
Light is inside
Inside of everything
Spiral of light
To the Seeds of light
Seeds of light
Watered with
I prepared for the work. Loading rattle sounds to my phone, and when ready I found you! So I was deeply moved with all our shared experiences.
Love and Light, Karin
When the rattling started, I kept on breathing deeply.
I felt myself swinging forward as if someone pulled me. During the session there was more swinging, mostly forth and back.
I could feel warmth in my right hand. It was red and orange and a lot of small snakes were coming out of my hand and crawling up my arm, then becoming one big strong snake. I tried to make connection, by saying “hello sister snake”, but she disappeared.
The upper left part of my body and in the whole of my face were cold, I felt a kind of freezing, stiffening.
Then my head was growing and turning into a huge cactus, a peyote in purple and green.
I became aware of tension in my back, starting from under both my shoulder blades and going up in a bow, ending a bit underneath my neck. I could feel this tension as a bright orange line. Then this line divided my body in an upper and lower part. They were separated from each other and a bright white light was coming out of my body at this line. (writing it down, it gives me an association with wings. If I should have wings, that’s the place where they’d be placed on my back – I’ll remember this, if I should ever feel this tension again at my back).
Then I saw blue in front of me and I followed it.
I started to make jumps in the air with head rolls, like an acrobat. I became a black dot, rolling in the air. Then I saw the air full of other black dots. We were all black flies. We started swarming to the same point, became one big black cloud. I couldn’t hear the buzzing, but I was aware of the movement of this thousands of wings and my whole body started vibrating because of this buzz.
I became aware that my upper legs felt very stiff and tense.
I saw one bigger fly. We were all torn towards her and then I was inside one of her eyes. The purple and green returned, with a metal brilliance. I understood that we were not really black, but that we were full with color. In these colors I felt a connection between the eye and my cactus head, but there was also somehow a connection between their forms, of being inside these forms. Then the rattling ended. (I think there might be a connection between the two, because they both offer a different way of perceiving the world and ourselves.)
I was feeling very dizzy when I sat down.
My body kept on vibrating for more than 30’. I know this a way of getting a deep healing. The first hours I also needed to breath out very deeply. My heart kept on beating fast. I felt tired and relaxed, as if I had been in a sweat lodge for hours. — GP
No name or details were given before the posture other than the correct stance. This journey came into my mind/heart really multi layered and almost a stream of consciousness, a stream of no time.
At first the rattle is a clear sound and then the head of a snake appears, the tongue , pointed, flicking in and out of the mouth and the focus shifts to the rough bark of a tree that goes up into the heights of the sky and the crown of the tree stretching out in a canopied lattice of leaves and branches and then down, down the trunk like a funnel to the base of the tree where giant ferns unfurl and there is a great sense of antiquity. At the base of the tree are mushrooms, beige, large and as I look at them, I see them from underneath and they are gilled with many dark brown moist looking gills that seem to move in a rapid clock wise motion and I am strongly reminded of fish, gilled fish with scales, large, river going, and a silty river running over a vast plain in the rainy season in Africa and I see frogs and frog eggs and life of the river mud. A large eye golden and black shaped almost like a diamond looking at me intently and it is the eye of a crocodile and I can see down the length of its snout to its two nostrils and the eyes and nostrils are above the water and below the water I see the rest of the form appear out of the murky depths, swimming, and I notice its chamberedheart beating and I look at its skin and I am again reminded of the fish and its scales and the image of a hippo swimming under water, murky water, appears , then recedes as it goes by to surface, to breath. I hear its breath and I feel my own breath in my body and my right hand feels like it is clasping a warm orb or ball and the warmth travels from the outside from the orb into the more central region of my trunk of my body and I am voyaging on the inside of my body . I feel my heart and my lungs and my rib cage and I am looking down into the splayed bones of the rib cage as they extend and arc off the backbone and I taste like a metallic iron taste which makes me think of blood and then cold bloodedness comes in with a different taste and there are amphibians and reptiles Gila monsters , Komodo dragons, some large, prehistoric but the fire warmth is in me and there is a circle of salamanders moving around a spark, a fire of wheeled motion. I feel my inside warm in the warmth of the fire and there is a strong activation in the solar plexus . The sparks remind me a light particles and I am up in a nest, twigged nest of a large heron or stork and the plumed feather of a heron or stork draws me inside the shaft of the plume and it is like a breathing tube, empty, a flute that can played and full of air and it holds the bird aloft and is a vast wing span and herons or storks are flying vast distances over oceans joining continents and they arrive to feed in the river and patiently a blue heron is standing on one leg and waiting in the stillness at the banks of the river for the fish, its long beak like a sharp pointed spear and I am in the deep woody funnel of a twigged nest and the fish is in the nest and the twigs are the tree branches dried up like tinder for the fire and there are bird droppings that fall like a dust to cover the ground under the tree at the base of the tree where the fern and mushroom grow, like the light particles that fall to cover the planet and fall into the tree top and travel down into the fire center of the earth. And there is the sound of twigs crackling and the fire snapping then it becomes more of the song of the cicadas and crickets and all of the earth is covered with life that pulses to the song of the rubbing of the insect legs.
Very interesting in- body journey with sensations of heat in the hand and later inside the trunk of my body: no human form appears other than my own body and only from the inside. All other life was wild life; wild life that moved through the different elements of air, earth, water in their life cycle…. and I’m struck now, writing this, that many hatched from eggs.
Thanks for facilitating 🙂 Tracey
I had to leave both sessions at 10 am both these days for another class, so while I was able to take part in the posture yesterday, I missed all the important dialogs afterwards.
I actually started going into trance during the breathwork before you even started rattling. What really amazes me with this technique is how simple it is and how quickly one can dive in. I’ve been working with various shamanic paths for over 20 years now and this really fascinates me because it usually seems to take longer.
The first thing that came in and persisted was a pair of wings. I found an image that fits what I saw.
I saw a lot of white birds flying in an azure sky with a few puffy white clouds. I had the impressions of the upper sky world come in. The sunlight was beautiful and I heard a voice declare enthusiastically, “I LOVE this!” I asked who was speaking and didn’t get an answer, but I felt it was a part of me rather than a separate being.
As with the last few postures, I got a lot of body movement. My body wanted to rotate a bit and there was the usual trance swaying. —- Judy
I close my eyes to the rattle and I hear soft singing over the rattle. I know there is no one singing, well, perhaps its the spirits? Is this the music of the spheres? It’s words that I don’t know, but they are sinking in and somehow. some part of me knows. I am a vine growing up to the source of the singing. up and up and up i grow, unfurling my leaves to soak in the sun. with my head in the clouds, my feet rooted into the earth. I am a ladder up to the heavens. i feel my spine straighten up and click into place. Kundalini rising? This is gentle, sweet flow of energy up my spine. I am a transmitter and receiver, as Mother Earth sings with the Stars. I am very happy to be included, a member of the choir, a musical instrument given voice. Extraordinary, no wonder we sing, something tells me the first song was a song to Creation, and Creation has been singing along for all all of Life’s journey. Are we sung into existence? —- K.E.
Dear Paul and Laura,
I just left the Q&A and wanted to write to you to thank you and share why I am coming to your workshops.
I read about Cuyamunge Institute a couple of years ago and got your newsletters. I wanted to come for a workshop but I work a lot and have kids and don’t have a lot of time and money to go away by myself.
I love both the academic and experiential part of what you do. I’m one of those many people who lives in the modern world effectively…but finds it soul-painful.
Sometimes I feel like I’ve done violence to half my brain by being so good at efficient emailing, being rational and dry and unimaginative. Doing the things we need to do to get by. I feel like my range of sensation, motion, emotion, and thought is incredibly restricted in every day life.
Nothing is sacred, reverential, or mysterious.
I feel like I’m cut off from wisdom of the green growing things, the animals, the directions, the soul of the world and my own self.
This world of tar and plastic is so convenient and clean and controlled that now it’s hard for me to feel comfortable in my own skin. And when I’m dirty, wet, bugs are around, etc. I just don’t like it! I like the modern world but at the same time I feel that by being so comfortable, I’m missing out on brilliance, intelligence, and joy of at least half of reality.
What you are doing is reality!
And I want to live in the real world that seems like our bodies and minds need, where the inner senses have as much to offer as the outer ones, where spirit and energy are just part of life and all ways of knowing are honored.
What you are doing is so valuable and precious and I’m grateful to you for offering it. I’m more motivated to come to CI when that is again possible and I will love to continue being part of the online community in the meantime.
My experience yesterday in the posture and listening to others share afterwards was joyful.
Here are my notes written after the posture:
- ~ Darkness at feet, climbing up my feet. Do I want to let it? Yes, I will.
- I feel a staff in my left hand like a protection, while tentacles/tendrils rise up from below and hold my feet.
- A snake comes out of my mouth.
- My right hand opens a gate; allows.
- My left hand protects.
- A white moth, an ice moth comes out and flaps her wings—after a moment it’s like she’s flapping at my head, then she is in my head. (She is the same shape others described!)
- There’s a cave and this light in my head—I try to shine it around but I can’t see anything. “You can’t see anything because it’s just light. You are the light—there’s no light that sees itself!”
- The cave is in a mountain and the mountain spreads out in touch with all the other mountains. It holds caves, depths, sun—it’s all of a piece, dark and light.
- The ice moth and a raven in a circle swirling. Cycles, everything of a piece, returning.
- Seeds raining from my right hand, what I sow will rise up to feed me if I let it.
- The ice moth is a friend, a guide for when darkness visits. She will help me be strong/brave/clear/patient When strength is needed.
- I have protection of the staff and my own down seeds.
This was a friendly helpful encounter. Patience, clarity, bravery, calm, strength. ~
Thank you again!!!! Jennifer
My experience began with trying to hold the posture and soon finding it quite uncomfortable particularly in the left arm. After a while this subsided and I felt a sense of warmth with my arms particularly feeling like they were touching something soft like cotton wool. I did experience a bit of swaying which settled down after a few minutes. I had difficulty switching off my conscious mind, something that also troubles me when trying to meditate. About halfway through I started to experience the subtlest and hard to discern “minds eye images”, nothing you would really call a vision as such. I briefly had an image of a robin (small UK garden bird) I had been feeding earlier. Then nothing for a while I then became faintly aware of a feeling like paddling on a canoe and moving forward. I then got a faint vision of paddling alongside another canoe with a man wearing a hat across a vast lake or ocean with a tall triangular mountain with a snow capped peak in the far distance. This faded and for a moment I felt like I was overboard sinking through the water. Then not much happened for another few minutes but then towards the end I had a distinct feeling of flying (I have experienced paragliding) and had a fairly clear image of an eagle swooping dramatically and possibly loosing feathers in the process. This was all incredibly fleeting and bearly discernable. I’m hoping with more practice and guidance I may be able to achieve a deeper state.
This is the first time I have had anything remotely resembling the sense of travelling while listening to shamanic drumming/rattling, so I would like to thank you for that. It’s maybe a glimmer of hope that I may be able to experience this. I need to quieten my overly analytical mind!
I found the post session analysis fascinating, how so many people had strikingly similar images and motifs in their experiences, a few of which seemed to fit with mine.
— M.B.
When I started the posture I had the feeling of having a blindfold on. I didn’t notice it at first because I thought the pressure was from my glasses. Then I realized I had taken my glasses off before we started the posture.
I had a strong serpentine release feeling the waves move up my body. So strong it almost knocked me over.
Then the strangeness began. I suddenly, and strongly, felt that I was facing the wrong direction. I was northwest so I turned slightly to my right until I was facing due north. I thought to myself “oh maybe I should be facing north”, even though no one had said that. I felt good with that conclusion for a few moments and then felt I was being pulled to my left. Strongly. I could actually feel my left hip turning out. Then I was facing west.
As soon as I turned west I heard the call to prayer, sunset prayer, and thought that was cool, I am honoring the setting sun on the last day of fasting (Ramadan). Then a few seconds passed and I was being twisted to the left again, and now facing south. Then after a few seconds again pulled to the left now facing north, then again back to the west (it is only now on writing this that I realize that perhaps I was honoring all the direction, although I had already done that with Paul when he did it).
When I got to the west and realized that I had gone full circle and had the cable of my headset wrapped around my neck I realized this was not a viable option to keep moving. So I stopped and said, “this is a trance posture. I am supposed to be standing still, so which direction should I be facing?” we stayed facing west. I remembered Laura saying that we should just go with what we were being told, we were not there to challenge or make demands of the spirits but I felt I needed clarity, rather than that I was disagreeing with what was happening.
And I felt some “laughter” as if they were amused by me. As if I was trying too hard, just relax. I would again feel the pull (to the left) so I began twisting, but standing still. I then felt the energy moving left like a corkscrew and just stayed with that and decided that that was just going to happen, so I just let it happen.
I now found it very amusing and at that point everything shifted. The energy will move through me but I don’t need to move with it. Just left it pass through. “Mirco-movement” what the phrase that appeared to describe it.
I did feel some heat, but not as much as usual. Just lots of subtle movements moving through me.
The next day I realized this was a teaching. It was an answer to my big question about why I am doing this or how it is different from my sacred dance. I have been strongly pulled to the trance postures since I first heard about them. Often frustrated that I couldn’t learn more. Some of the postures even come up in my choreography (my choreography is downloaded). This began happening before I even know about trance postures.
This is very different from sacred dancing/movement and although my experience was not different from all the explanations from Paul, Laura and Felicitas, it was an “experience”. I now KNOW the difference I have embodied the difference. Most of my learning (the dance) has come from direct experiences/downloads it seems to be the most comfortable way for me to receive information. I now “understand” the difference between the dance and the postures.
In the dance we become the vessel and allow the divine to move into us, to guide and plant seeds in us, which is a very feminine, receptive process. I see the postures as a more “masculine/yang” communication. The word that came up was “anchor”. We receive and anchor the information/experience from other dimension here on earth, which is also a very important process, but very different in feeling. Again all things that you have been saying, we become the antenna and the antenna has a very specific shape—the posture.
I feel completely different now, after having had this experience. That was the most enjoyable trance posture experience I have had. Because now I “get it” and I was able to completely surrender to the experience.
Thank you for holding the space for my growth! Leslie
Hi Laura, Hi Paul,
Hoping this message finds you in awe and delight.
I renew my thanks for the opportunity you provide. It deepens my Spirit’s path and fits perfectly in my life. Genuine, meaningful, opened ended. And the cool but passionate and concentrated (gr)attitude you show each time is great and leading.
See you on Zoom Saturday !
Au revoir … Stephanie
ETP 1.
I find it a powerful posture, a kind of serpent medicine. I thought immediately when the rattle started to the feathered serpent (inner knowing). I first felt like being in the lift elevating at high speed and height. I saw clouds under me I was the Sky; I felt very light, my feet were floating over bubbles of plasma. lots of energy around, all over. then I saw a white snakes of fade Pearl color, moving from the ground under my feet up into me, shaking my body at each Serpentine curve. my third eye was fully activated. I was shown the connection with the vivaxis, this electromagnetic cord that’s link earth to a place of birth; so I engage to see more about that connection ; In with intent I kind of repair the vivaxis and I felt in my body that it was correct and that some stuff had happened; maybe I had this reconnection made because it was because I was overwhelmed by energy all my cell starting to tingles who is electric energy . then I felt heat. A purifying fire in the body. it was quite intense, so I was breaking the posture sometime. until I stopped and light down because my head was dizzy; so I rest on the floor keeping the end gesture but it didn’t have the same effect that standing.
ETP 2.
It was like I felt one ego part of myself that impeded me to go more deeper into life, and my body was excited by the drum. Then I saw myself caught by the feet and hold in the air, suspended in an Indian ceremony from North America ; the Sky was cloudy and dark and the ambiance serious ; I was the earth looking from the ground up then I found myself in the depths of water, of the ocean ; A dolphin came and we swam together and I was able to breathe underwater . I had the feeling of melting into the earth and being one with her; I love her so much.
ETP. 3
I first felt movement of energy in front of the torso; I was calm, poised, grounded, empowered. I didn’t have vision, I just saw shadows on the wall of a cave, some people were dancing but not to celebrate. I had the feeling that’s something wanted to open from inside and also feeling of protection. Not very much was happening, so I started to ask question. But all the answers were no no no ; I had the feeling that the matter was related to war, to community, to important questions; And not individual one; to some community issues and seriousness. it could be a posture of protection, of defense, how to find something, to go look at something or to prepare for something.
ETP 4.
First I was flying over rain clouds; then I was in the jungle, putting my fingers in the earth, touching and pressing the mud, because it is raining, it is dark, foggy, and the rain flows over me. I was appreciating this freshness, this water all around, this flow over me; I was completely wet. I walk a bit in the forest and before me appeared a big tree, charismatic and mysteriously beautiful; I slow down my attention to ground and to show my respect to this tree, which branches were bathing in the waters of the grey thick mist. I came to silent knowing; then I felt more energy, a tube of rainbow rays entered the summit of my head, down to the tailbone; carrying sensation of being held ; I saw in a flash a white bear ; I felt clarity regarding the way to take, like advising, direction to follow ; and for me now is to follow my bliss : I know one of my place of bliss; I had the vision of myself shaking a rattle intensely , burning with this transcendental flame, mix of bhakti, power, intention and pure attention concentrated in the guts, in the being and in consciousness. Then I flew high in the Sky again, with an eagle that was coming in front of me and by behind ; I had a floating sensation, to be very light, all along.
Wow! Intense! Thought I might have a migraine. Detox was the word that I kept hearing. I think that meant “healing” of removing something toxic.
I was SO uncomfortable through he whole posture.
Physical symptoms:
· Having my thumbs on my forehead was actually painful.
· Lots of heat.
· My hands sweating.
· Sweat was literally running down my body.
· Lots of movement, vibrating rather than turning or undulating.
· I became very conscious of my large belly, my buttocks balancing it from the other side. (?)
· Position like a fetus
o Which is interesting because I often wake up in what I call the “autistic baby” posture, arched backwards, the opposite of this, which also gives me migraine. Clearly here is an issue in my neck, brain-stem.
Realizations after the posture:
· Felt REALLY good when the journey was finished, clear, no migraine.
· It was a “detox” of some sort
· Birth
· Reliving birth trauma
At some point I realized I was trying too hard told myself to just let it go, just listen to the rattle. When I did saw a tunnel, opening with a rushing waterfall going downward, all in black, felt I must have been in a cave (birth canal?)
This posture was very intense to go through but I do feel some kind of healing took place.
I thought the breathing exercise went better this week, I did it with more gusto and did feel energised by it, even if this was due to hyperventilating a bit! I managed to quieten my inner dialog and felt in a good position to experience whatever came next.
I felt some discomfort and pain in my wrists to begin with then a warm pleasant feeling in my back. I had a fleeting minds-eye image of an eye and someone carrying a basket of corn, but then nothing. I think I was very distracted by the extraneous moaning noises that one of the other participants seem to be making. About 2/3 of the way in I had an odd feeling of being up very high or being very tall and the brief sensation of being in orbit around a colossal star. The warm pleasant feeling in my back continued until the end.
Although I felt quite refreshed and energised afterwards I was disappointed that I seem to be unable to experience the deep trance experiences that other people manage to get out of the practice. Maybe the distractions might have prevented me from going deeper.
I would be interested to know whether the experience improves with practice or whether some people require more time to acquire the skill or if some cannot acquire this ability at all!
Again the post session analysis was very interesting.
Thank you again for these most interesting experiences, and the professionalism of your virtual webinar. I’m sure in person the experience is superior but I think you have done a very good job to bring this to the virtual world!
Kind regards, Marcos
Hello friends,
I was sorry I had to leave the meeting at 10 am straight up today. But I wanted to respond to the discussion about having trance-like experiences several days after the sessions. In many forms of healing there’s an immediate peak response, and then the effect gradually dissipates afterward, over time. Often a healing treatment needs repeating or refreshing eventually, as the body or spirit slips back to its “default” setting. With repetition, the organism learns to reset itself, and each session lasts longer and takes hold better.
With this work, that does not seem to be happening. I’ve had four sessions and each time, there’s an inner shift that remains. It’s a very nourishing sense of rebuilding, even when the chosen posture is not specifically for healing.
So, my answer to the question of why do we trance would be, that when we do this work we are becoming the change we want to see in the world, to quote Mahatma Gandhi. We are shifting ourselves, and through that shift we are shifting our community and our planet.
I would also like to say that the wisdom we tap into here is deeper than the alchemy of intention. Intentional journeys are wonderful and can be groundbreaking, but here we are letting something beyond our own will work through us.
Thank you so much for bringing this work out to the world.
Your program is an answer to my prayer. I wanted to know how I could practice to increase my intuitive abilities. Like so many others I too had my eyes on your institute, waiting for the perfect time to visit. And then, thanks to circumstances, the perfect opportunity was presented. You offered your classes. Like others in your group I too am a Hands-on-healer (BBSH), have trained with Leonard Orr to do breath work, became an outreach trainer for The Monroe Institute, learned remote viewing and mediumship at Arthur Findlay College. What I find so fascinating with your approach to trance work is how quickly the trance state gets induced. It is quick and easy, but deeply satisfying, producing profound experiences.
All my previous experiences seem to have led me to your place. I am incredibly grateful.
Here is the write-up of the session
I see/am an eagle, soaring above the Grand Canyon.
Red rock, red earth below me.
I dive down into the canyon,
fly high above again,
dive into the red earth,
crystal cave opens up with huge crystals,
beams of light shine in the cave.
Go down
deeper, deeper
dark green, moist,
dripping with moisture.
Green Goblin sitting
in the moss and vegetation,
very round head, no features,
no movement
I see a glimmer of light
But no,
I want to go down,
deeper and deeper into the darkness
skipping down wet rock steps
deeper and deeper
into the earth I go
A salamander is standing on my path
he is as big as I am,
beautiful yellow with large black spots
and large black eyes
he is wearing a shoe on one foot!
he steps behind me,
I am aware of his long tail
I blend with him as he blends with me
My body is inside his
I see inside my body and my legs
New left leg,
he patterns a new leg for me
Lines of soft blue light fill my thigh,
the new pattern solidifies.
The End…
Thank you, Salamander!
(Salamander is known for the ability to regenerate limbs)
Well, thank you Laura and Paul. I am looking forward to journeying with you in June—- Hildegard
For some minutes I see nothing. I let go of needing to see. I listen to the rattle and turn inward. The pause feels good. No expectations. Nothing is a sanctuary that has kindly admitted me. i am happy with the stasis. Full stop. Just beingness. Silence. Feels like freedom. I am not asleep, but in suspended animation. It’s kinda like a sleep state. I could stay here forever. Letting go of time is healing, too. Gradually I feel my body reassemble, collecting substance to clothe itself once again, take form. Then charging up like a battery, waves of energy roll through me, like waves in the ocean. I’m floating in water, reactivating. I feel restored from the ground up. This is the deep breath I needed. All by doing nothing. like a koan, I got filled up by letting go. so cool. thank you. —- HC
A lot of energy. Tension in the back. Pain. It feels like the spirits are holding my arms.
A sense of being lifted/carried by talons to a high place
where I am exposed, split apart at the center, a sense of full bright sun/energy.
A thousand white birds fly out of the split in my body. I am split from throat to pelvis.
The birds come out and my heart is exposed to the sun.
Really conscious of heart beating, the red beating heart.
There is a trading of energy, a sharing, connecting, between the heart and the sun, it goes both ways. My heart is the sun and the sun is my heart.
A lot of pain, feeling like my arms were gripped, almost like being forced to face the energy, the intensity–like being led to a sacrifice, but somehow, it was a favor, a gift–they were saying ‘you can handle more than you think….you need to see this!’
A gift exchange.
THANK YOU! Jennifer
Physical: During there was Lots of heat. I felt strong and very stable in the posture but Intense pain in fingers. After There was shacking or trembling in the fingers/ Hands but I felt a sort of release and rejuvenation as it was easier to sit up and have good posture afterwards.
Visions: Was in a large open natural environment experiencing some sort of exchange from above and below. Like a large wave of energy coming off of the horizon going up and Sun or energy waves from the heavens coming down. Then saw hands on an object. Hand turned to a large cat/ feline paw with claws retracted. I saw a very large and powerful energy center radiating/ pulsing in and out like breath. Circular objects orbiting each other. The rhythm of the rattle matched that of beings walking in a line in white robes. There was an open colorful sky with rolling mountains in the distance. Seemed to be an emphasis on the sun and its strong radiating waves of energy, light and energy. I saw a roster, the face of a hawk and a long chain or strand of DNA. Overall many very interesting visuals with lots of flow like movement and shapes.
After the posture was broken, I felt somewhat of a release, or rejuvenated. It was easier to sit up straight and something felt new.
You all are awesome and hope you are well!
Mitakuye Oyasin, Frank
I thought the breathing exercise went better this week, I did it with more gusto and did feel energised by it, even if this was due to hyperventilating a bit! I managed to quieten my inner dialog and felt in a good position to experience whatever came next.
I felt some discomfort and pain in my wrists to begin with then a warm pleasant feeling in my back. I had a fleeting minds-eye image of an eye and someone carrying a basket of corn, but then nothing. I think I was very distracted by the extraneous moaning noises that one of the other participants seem to be making. About 2/3 of the way in I had an odd feeling of being up very high or being very tall and the brief sensation of being in orbit around a colossal star. The warm pleasant feeling in my back continued until the end.
Although I felt quite refreshed and energised afterwards I was disappointed that I seem to be unable to experience the deep trance experiences that other people manage to get out of the practice. Maybe the distractions might have prevented me from going deeper.
I would be interested to know whether the experience improves with practice or whether some people require more time to acquire the skill or if some cannot acquire this ability at all!
Again the post session analysis was very interesting.
Thank you again for these most interesting experiences, and the professionalism of your virtual webinar. I’m sure in person the experience is superior but I thing you have done a very good job to bring this to the virtual world! Kind regards, B.G.
I see liquid mercury running silvered into the dark rich soil, a lattice of connections down into the earth. There is a dark stepped structure of stone and the image of a crouching panther or some sort of serpent is on top: its head/face large with its mouth open carved in the stone. It is dark so I can’t see very clearly. I notice there are red ants, fire ants, and black ants that inhabit this world. I notice their mandibles as they move small particles of earth and their antennas quiver as they move in the dark. I feel drawn into the centre of a navel that is deep down the throat of the stone statue and I am drawn out into and through another dark center which is within the sun.
There is quite a bit of pressure on my shoulders and through my shoulders and I feel like I am being impaled on poles and lifted up and the sun is shining very brightly and very hot and I feel I am leaving to go up to the sun. There is the rattle of a snake and I see many triangle shapes. Inside the rattle are two triangles, on a woven basket with a lid, and on a woven blanket, all carry these triangle shapes.
A Bolivian or Peruvian or Andean woman, compact, contained, mahogany-coloured, is standing in front of me, silent, very still, inscrutable. She is wearing a long, textured, woven skirt to the ground and a black bowler hat on her head. Her eyes are deep jet and inscrutable. I am nervous but remember to honour her. She spits on some dirt ? Or ashes? Or insect droppings ? And marks my nostrils and mouth. Inside her basket I see what looks like rattles from the rattle snake or peyote buttons and what looks like dried insects. The insect head becomes very large and animate and its mandibles are eating tobacco or corn or wheat ? A plague of insects eating up the sun from the earth through the plants? And I find myself sheltered under the long skirts of the woman as her skirt moves around me in a slow swirl of a dance and her body is like the centre pole holding up a tent.
And I am back in the center of the sun dance and somehow the sun has become a fire pit and around the circle of the pole or the fire pit is a male dancer with a coyote head. He is very vital and very alert and is wearing leather leggings of some sort and he is a fire dog and he is doing a dance that continues after the sun goes down and the moon comes up in the sky. The moon goes dark and it seems to be covered with the bowler hat so that it is darkened and the locusts have become fire flies that are rising up in the dark sky like sparks out of the fire, like the sun is now inside their bodies and the red ants and black ants are running over the ground.
This was very body-centred. I stood for the 15 minutes and experienced heat at the beginning and quite a bit of pressure, even discomfort on and behind and even through my shoulders and shoulder blades up and under my collar bone area. I had to wipe off quite a bit of saliva that came out of my mouth. I also found it difficult to keep my hands closed in the fist shape and to leave my mouth open.
I felt that this was a healing journey of some sort although I did not have anything in mind either before, during or after the trance. I did get a sense of the woman working on my neck and shoulders and mouth but did not see any of this. I felt her presence close to those areas, of work being done, an adjustment of some sort? I also had to control a sharp sense of fear that rose up in me when I first saw the woman. Although she appeared solid and compact and small in stature, she was formidable. I felt I was in the presence of a true elder who had huge power. Thank you for facilitating. Tracey
The sound of the rattle lets me go deeper and deeper inside my body and becomes the sound of heavy breathing and then the sound of feet, leather- clad feet, moving over the earth. A mandala of beadwork spiralled on the moccasin, red, blue, yellow, white of porcupine bone/ quill ? The image of a porcupine, the face, the nose, the eyes, the body, comes into focus.
The breathing comes back into my ear and becomes the sound of a heartbeat. The beat of the heart becomes the pounding of a wooden pestle in a deep wooden mortar as rice? Or corn ? is ground into meal.
With the heartbeat, the sound of breath, deep breathing emerges in clouds of vapour emerges in front of my face and the eye of an elk appears, watching me. As it looks at me, the form of a large elk becomes evident. The elk ( or reindeer ? ) is running over snow or ice in a moon-lit night on a frozen lake beside a dark forest of evergreen trees; only the outline of the silhouette of the trees is visible in the moonlight.
I hear it’s breathing and in the cold, plumes of warm vapour come out in clouds as the elk breathes as it runs quickly, pulling a sled or sleigh on wooden runners. The harness is leather and there is the sound of a sort of noise from small trinkets attached to the harness, reminding me of the rattle.
The heart of the elk is pumping warm blood and the lungs are like bellows and is somehow linked to the beating of my heart. I am inside my own heart and lungs and then notice, close to my heart, the head of an infant nestled on my chest, between my breasts, wrapped in a soft long haired blanket of wolf ? skin and I too am enfolded in a much larger heavier pelt of bear ? skin.
I am seated in the sleigh effortlessly and my eye is drawn to the side of the lake as I see the wolf and the bear running parallel to the lake, parallel to my trajectory looking at me. Then somewhere in this moment I hear a clear wolf/dog bark but its sound ripples in waves like an echo and dissipates even as I watch the bear and wolf running parallel to me.
And it seemed that the bear and the wolf and the child and the elk were one with me and we were all breathing together. And I saw the mandala of bead work spirallng and then heard the rattling and what seemed to be the sound of voices chanting, sighing, singing, but not any words that I understood and then the journey ended.
Even before the rattle began, during the five minute focus, a very stylized four-sided tent structure appeared, square shape at the base rising up to a round smoke hole. I am looking at the base and see the square below and up at the circle and suddenly, at each corner the ‘ seams’ of the tent radiating out from the circle to the square below from above, uniting the circle and square. The idea of a crystalline structure or elements comes into my mind as I go back down the circular smoke hole that is now an eye and a naval.
And the base square changes to the six-sided, eight-sided, twelve-sided forms of crystal geometry with faceted surfaces appear in my minds eye. Somehow I receive the impression that the ‘tent’ changes its function depending on the shape of the base? The eye or navel above is open to the sky and star dust and sun light sift down in through the top of my head and continues down down and I am descending into the center of the earth, the fire belly of the earth full of lava appears…
Along the way I see glistening surfaces of minerals, dark, gleaming obsidian surface, silicate, crystal-encrusted then a total contrast with mud and spores and fungal life forms and a bone ossuary? And with this, images of very everyday items appear, pitch-coated rush baskets and wooden utensils and grinding stones and pottery encrusted with shells as if to say that raw material turned inside out becomes these creations?
And in the dark tunnel are people with mineral pigments on their faces and torsos either white chalky or dark charcoal. They appear to be performing a ritual, a burial ritual, the whites of their eyes glinting in the dark. There are bone implants in their lips? In their ears?
And I am traveling on a dark, tarry substance traveling up from the belly of the earth in a tube that seems to come alive with blood and it’s now an umbilical cord with a placenta attached? And I am reminded of the spongy fungal and moss and mud. And suddenly I am going up through the tent and out of the smoke hole and see from up in the night sky looking down all the northern lights mantling round the earth like a beautiful cloak of energy, pulsing and shivering and feel that inside my own body the same electromagnetic pulse.
And I flow back down the eye of the smoke hole, the navel of the tent structure and I feel my self fall into my own navel and and the earth’s navel and going way, way back in time along a sort of corded umbilical cord and past the elders who are singing, breathing into the navel of the belly of a pregnant woman, a secret message or song for the baby in her belly? And my eye flows along the cord/ chord and travels back, back, back into invisibility full of all the ancestors over all the eons of time until my mind is suspended and still and then I am called back into my own body as the rattle stops.
I was very surprised by how different everything was compared to last week and as I wrote after the session the words Elemental Spirit came out on the page. I also was excited to hear some of the other participants describing similar experiences! Thanks for facilitating this 🙂
I feel my body swaying in the posture.
There is golden light all over, then bark blue
I walk out over the edge of a cliff or canyon, out into the air
I feel my hands extremely hot. I am holding some kind of round stick in my hands. I am wearing a very short skirt and a black cut wig, egyptian style.
I become dust in the air
I am in a closed room inside a pyramide. Egypt
Hieroglyphs are covering the walls. Behind me a scenery, very beautiful, with ducks swimming among rushes
The pyramid is opening up, and I am in a very light place, like in the middle of the sun for a very long time.
It becomes a circle on a horizonal line with beams of light in all directions.
Turning slowly leftwise
Zoomed into the heart of the Earth
Into an endless light
Becoming one with this light
Light is inside
Inside of everything
Spiral of light
To the Seeds of light
Seeds of light
Watered with
(From my notes 18.4)
I prepared for the work. Loading rattle sounds to my phone, and when ready I found you! So I was deeply moved with all our shared experiences
Love and Light
Karin in Copenhagen
Journey: I breathed entirely by mouth and found it comfortable. Very soon I was flying in the sky. I took stock of where and found I was over the great ocean, no land anywhere visible, waves below and sky above, full sunshine. I was just flying along, huge wing span, no sense of stress or goal, just enjoying where I was, and the feel of my body high in the air with nothing constricting me. Then I became nothing but perhaps wind, no bird. I enjoyed that just as much. That continued for some time, sometimes bird, sometimes wind, sometimes the space between.
For a moment this reversed like a negative, and as bird I was flying upside down in a reversed world.
Back to the air and moving forward or if not forward, at least in circles so large I could not tell they were circles. A grand sense of freedom and ease.
Then, gradually and yet quite fast, the bright began to darken, and the breadth began to narrow, and I found myself—not in a human body but able to see and try to understand—on the earth, in a woods, looking at a rounded top with a depressed center sticking up out of the earth, which I first took for a mushroom. I wondered what the transition meant. Then it opened and I went inside, down a narrow cylinder and stopped at a fire at the bottom. “I” wasn’t material in any way. But I reflected that I had gone from bright to dark, from wide to narrow, from high to low, and all that constituted a nice circle.
Comments: several other people—there were four in the end—also had these expansive sky and water journeys; the first speaker was most like mine. I breathed so well during this journey that I think I will do it regularly. Perhaps it will improve my breathing. And if I get to fly above the ocean, and experience that wonderful expansive emptiness, wind and sun and shadow and waves, well, I’d like that regularly! Things seem mostly stuck and tight and tied up ‘here below.’
The ring lands right over the dan tien and that is the core/source of the body, so it is not surprising that the journey would turn out to concern all kinds of circles or feedback systems, dark/light, high/low, birth/death, expansion/compression, and so on.
Ho metaquiessen!
Physical: During there was Lots of heat. I felt strong and very stable in the posture but Intense pain in fingers. After There was shacking or trembling in the fingers/ Hands but I felt a sort of release and rejuvenation as it was easier to sit up and have good posture afterwards.
Visions: Was in a large open natural environment experiencing some sort of exchange from above and below. Like a large wave of energy coming off of the horizon going up and Sun or energy waves from the heavens coming down. Then saw hands on an object. Hand turned to a large cat/ feline paw with claws retracted. I saw a very large and powerful energy center radiating/ pulsing in and out like breath. Circular objects orbiting each other. The rhythm of the rattle matched that of beings walking in a line in white robes. There was an open colorful sky with rolling mountains in the distance. Seemed to be an emphasis on the sun and its strong radiating waves of energy, light and energy. I saw a roster, the face of a hawk and a long chain or strand of DNA. Overall many very interesting visuals with lots of flow like movement and shapes.
After the posture was broken, I felt somewhat of a release, or rejuvenated. It was easier to sit up straight and something felt new.
You all are awesome and hope you are well!
Mitakuye Oyasin,
A lot of energy. Tension in the back. Pain. It feels like the spirits are holding my arms.
A sense of being lifted/carried by talons to a high place
where I am exposed, split apart at the center, a sense of full bright sun/energy.
A thousand white birds fly out of the split in my body. I am split from throat to pelvis.
The birds come out and my heart is exposed to the sun.
Really conscious of heart beating, the red beating heart.
There is a trading of energy, a sharing, connecting, between the heart and the sun, it goes both ways. My heart is the sun and the sun is my heart.
A lot of pain, feeling like my arms were gripped, almost like being forced to face the energy, the intensity–like being led to a sacrifice, but somehow, it was a favor, a gift–they were saying ‘you can handle more than you think….you need to see this!’
A gift exchange.
Almost immediately, I feel the lower back of my torso being washed with warm water. It is similar to being in a Jacuzzi or floating in the ocean. I sense that healing is occurring.
Now I’m climbing a mountain. It is not too difficult. At the top, I feel exhilarated. I begin to dance and wave a piece of white cloth. It has some design on it but I can’t make it out.
Next, I notice that my mouth is expanding out from the sides until it reaches my ears. I begin to laugh.
Finally, I’m lying on my back in a meadow. I recognize it as one of my favorite camping sites in the high country above Yosemite. I can hear birds singing and water running over rocks in a near-by stream. The rattle sounds like birds chirping. I am becoming one with Mother Earth. I feel her pain and I feel great compassion for the suffering we humans have caused her.
I found this posture very comfortable and easy, and the time went quickly.
— Margaret
Hi Laura and Paul,
A lot happened today during the trance session. Perhaps too much to write in one setting.
As soon as the rattle started, I feel immediately comfortable. I have fast moving flashes of visions that I have seen in other trance states. However, mostly orange cloud-like images fill my visual field. I see a horizontal purple ribbon flash through the field. Now I see reptilian-like eyes outlined and the interior of the eyes glow; I saw them in my last trance. Like last time they did not have eyeballs. My body feels so relaxed, which is a blessing because I have major spinal trauma throughout the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine areas. I feel so comfortable that I could fall sleep. The reptilian eyes disappear.
The orange reptilian-like eyes begin to take form again, but only this time just the bottom of the eyes. Eyelids are forming in a black color. I want to see the eyes in more detail, but the eyes recede back into the orange clouds. I call on the spirits and the orange glowing eyes come back, and they are similar to the ones I saw on Saturday. They turn lime green for a split second and then back to orange. On Saturday, a small circle with rectangular designs at its base developed between the eyes. I sense that the circle between the eyes is a portal—an entrance way to another place. I can see that there is a human-like figure within the portal. I want to go into the portal, but it is too far away. I cannot reach it to enter it. The eyes and the portal dissipate all too quickly again. The orange clouds are dissipating too as I realize that my hands are tingling. From other meditative practices and self-hypnosis, I know when my hands tingle that my brainwaves are at the theta rate. This makes sense because I am so relaxed – a state of relaxation that cannot normally be reached without much effort. Although I am relaxed, my eyelids are rapidly fluttering with the rattle. I sense energy (perhaps gamma brainwaves I muse), which is not normal of theta brainwaves. I have both theta and gamma brainwaves occurring at the same time. … “paradoxical arousal” or “relaxed high tension.”
My right hand melts into my stomach and I feel healing happening. It is a peaceful, easy feeling. My left hand begins to melt into the floor. My body is melting and being pulled into the earth. I now see a sun-like image high above, which is similar to sun designs I’ve seen in Huichol Peyote art of West Mexico. I continue to be in the dark earth. I have melted into the earth and no longer exist; I am merely a small part of the earth. The sun shines high above me. Then I start melting deeper and deeper into the earth. It is not cold or hot. It is the perfect temperature. It feels so comfortable; I am at peace here. I could fall asleep. The sun has disappeared. Only darkness exists. The earth is black. I am comfortable in the darkness. The darkness lasts for a long time. I continue to melt away, even deeper into the earth. There is no ‘me.’
An airplane flies over my house and my spirit flies up to find it while I still am melted and intermingled with the earth. “Oh Earth, how warm and comfortable you are! Why would I want to fly off?” I think. But fly I do. I have missed the plane, but I am soaring high in the sky, but I am grounded at the same time. Anthropologists call being in two or more physical states at once being a liminal state. Oh, the marvel to be in the liminal state of deeply grounded while freely flying. (Post trance reflection: I believe liminal states are the product of the two states of high energy and meditative brainwaves simultaneously occurring—Gamma and Theta brainwaves—that are indicative of ecstatic trances that Goodman and others discuss. We are neurologically able to feel both high energy and relaxation at the same time because of this brain phenomenon with ecstatic trance.)
Clouds of oranges, many shades of orange, return into my visual field. A purple ribbon forms runs horizontally across the sky. For some reason I think about the edge of the galaxy. The edge of the galaxy rotates into a 45° angle, now it rotates 90°. It is perpendicular to the horizon. Now I see a large sun-like orbs of red/orange light. I still feel at peace although my body is nonexistent. Again I think how comfortable I am here. I am one still within the Earth, but I am not her. She is much larger and is filled with others and with mysteries.
“Ouch” my bulging disk between C5 and C6 vertebrae pulls me out of trance. Although my neck wakes me partly from the trance, I still feeling a lingering bliss and wellness. I am no longer in the Earth. My body is back. I do not want to leave this blissful state, but Paul rattles to let us know our time has ended.
Post trance thought: the position we did on Saturday was incredibly painful for the full 15 minutes. I was not able to work through the pain. The vision of a dragon was worth the pain. This position is vastly different. All of this is amazing and defies Cartesian thinking…
Again thank you for a fascinating afternoon today.
Today was a strange one but a rewarding experience. As the rattling began I got the swaying of my body much more but this time I went with it rather than fighting. Then I got a fabulous tingling and chills down the backbone like you get listening to great music. Then a very warm, reassuring feeling of immense power. A few times I felt like I was just on the brink of breaking through to a visionary experience, I had momentary feelings like I was trying to open the door of a tent or tepee and fleeting glimpses of a green landscape but frustratingly out of reach. I had colour in front of my eyes that I often see while meditating, strangely this was predominantly purple which amazed me when I heard others seeing purple! I also had occasional and fleeing feelings of travelling through a tunnel or sailing on a rough ocean. All through the experience I had a feeling of comfort, healing, contentment and being tremendously at ease with myself. I did however have a slight annoyance and irritation that I was not experiencing the transendent visions that I had heard others talk about in previous weeks.
Coming out of the session I had a great feeling of happiness and contentment which has lasted many hours afterwards. In fact I can say that I am unusually calm, contented and relaxed as I am normally someone who is constantly on the go and can never sit still. I was also struck by the sense of calm, goodwill and happiness at the end of todays session by all the attendees.
I can totally empathise with this being a healing posture. I’m hoping to try this again with your drumming tapes, also in a more natural environment. I feel the sterility of my home office might not be so conducive to the experience and being in nature might encourage more connection and sucess! Mike, UK
During breathwork I was given a sneak-peak vision:
I was holding a circle above my head and saw what looked at first like fish – then human forms -swimming out from the circle into our world. I asked “what is that? and was told – your ancestors.” I was given some interesting news and totally lost track of focusing on the breath, getting swept up I jotted down what I was told quickly before we took the posture. It was then that I set my intention and asked spirit to please bless my favorite beverage (coffee, honey, cream) with strength.
In posture –
After the rattle started I noticed the position was quite comfortable. My questions were addressed right away and it was like having a nice conversation, a quite moving and IMPACTFUL but nice conversation. One thing I was told was that I would be “transformed.” I experienced slight flashes of pain points in my body that was illustrating to me how my body/being is actually a “gauge.”
I was shown a visual that was intriguing, as I was taken back in time to witness an event that happened to my mother. I’ve heard her tell the story of that event only a handful of times, but not since I was a child, which made it quite interesting/revealing to be brought to that moment.
This trance seemed to go faster than my previous trances with CI – it all seemed to happen in a long flash! I felt the end of the trance draw in and I saw the purple heart light –my favorite alert that something is about to happen… It pulsed and grew and became clear that it was emanating from a triangular mouth – which was sending me the purple light – like a kiss. Then I had the sensation of a mama bird feeding a baby bird, but I was both giving and taking the light. This went on back and forth and was incredibly lovely. The rattle ended and I joyfully drank my coffee and felt a wave of power roll through me separate and apart from the caffeine;) It was cool! — Carla
5th Trance Experience with CI
The rattle began and I could feel my body tighten/constrict into the posture. My fists and arms were pulled in tight. There was a dark intimidating figure beside me and I noticed a horizontal pink light ahead of me that looked like a posh lit rear-view mirror, and it pulled me in.
Suddenly, I felt as though my body was split down the middle and I was flung open to the sun – a hot and bright light. An intense hardening through my body happened and I felt as though I was “skewered,” with my head pushed back as a giant pole came out of my neck. It wasn’t painful, I wasn’t scared but I was absolutely motionless and unable to move.
I was rendered even more motionless when I felt my mouth begin to open so wide I experienced the sensation of a snake unhinging her jaw, to the point I was scared I would break. From my mouth my tongue was unfurled (not by me) – and felt like it “plugged into a power socket in the sky.” My tongue stiffened and down from the sky came a rolling energy that went down my tongue, throat and continued down into my chest above where my hands were placed, shaking me and expanding me. I don’t think I breathed for a VERY LONG TIME as this plume of energy kept swirling around my chest – I heard “premonition.” My tongue was released, dried out like weightless paper, it floated back into my mouth. The rattle stopped but for the rest of the day I felt that energy still in my chest slowly dissipating and coming down.
One thing to note: the next morning, Sunday, I had a visitation from my grandfather (paternal) which has never happened before with him. He died when I was 6 months old. I never knew him being an infant, but felt deeply connected/healed after the visitation. — Carla
First Trance Experience with CI
The rattle began and I felt a warm energy surround me and gently “correct my posture.”
Then I immediately felt drawn into what I can only call a wormhole.
I looked and saw directly in front of me a rose bud that began to bloom continuously and I just got lost for a moment watching it unfurl accompanied by flashes of light.
I then noticed a flood of white light that came through what felt like a hose/umbilical cord from my center belly button (ki). I held on as the energy came through with such force I felt myself wiggle and struggle to contain the flow of energy. The white light permeated through my studio, engulfing all and bringing a sense of healing and cleansing. It was INCREDIBLY powerful and wonderful and what I would describe as “the cleanse of the year.” —- Carla
Fourth Trance Experience with CI
The rattle began and I felt my chest opening and expanding. I was bathed in a warm pink/red light. I saw what I would call “acts of love” figures merging and embracing. I then was pulled by a hand upwards. My chest then cracked wide open, bigger than in the beginning and from which emerged a gush of love light. I was standing very strong, rooted I felt in full power and from me was coming I heard “unbridled love.” It was AMAZING, joyous – it was total bliss. I was asked “can you handle more?” and more came through, it was like a crank just turned it up to full LOVE.
I knew the end of the journey was nearing and I saw a purple heart light flutter in front of me and I began to feel my mouth open wider and wider and this breath came out of me – an extra elongated exhale and I didn’t know when it would end or even how I had that much breath in me to expel. It went on and on – to the point where I felt empty and I had to fight a bit to gasp for more breath in – that went right back out as I continued to forcefully exhale. Finally, I gasped again to get a breath in and I realized – I had “breathed a new existence,” as I heard a voice say and the light that was pink turned bright white.
*One thing to note, I actively asked my ego to step aside as per a suggestion from Laura Lee before we began.
—- Carla
Hi Paul and Laura 🙂
Thanks for facilitating today.
Super detailed and powerful.
Very hopeful and life giving: the goddess of the four seasons, wow.
I’m enjoying writing again after not writing for many years; I finally feel inspired 🙂
As well, I’m putting each journey in a collection with collages of images, so much joy!
Thanks again, Tracey
Some activity above me -? I looked down -found I was becoming a tree -birds on the branches with bluebird of happiness. Felt I could stay there for ever, at peace with Me, knowing who I am.
Saw an “Ant” crawling down the tree into the ground. I followed the roots -they went on and on. I came to the surface. Saw my tree.
Then I was looking at the stars and infinity. Peace. I know who I am. Felt much gratitude.
Hello Laura, Hello Paul,
Thank you for your on line events, I’ve been participating to the last 3 saturday and sunday sessions, and so I have so recently discovered the Institute and both of you, and you rock !
My name is Stéphanie, I’m French, my humble background is one deep love for Earth and Nature and direct experiences of the invisible, (Castaneda, gnosticism, tantra yoga, geobiology, bioenergy) to make it very short. I am mostly a self initiated person… The experience you are proposing resonate strongly with me, and I have a lot appreciated your genuine and rich conversations. I like the simple, direct and practical aspects that the trance postures provide, I am just discovering this powerful path, so thanks again and again.
I am actually reading ‘where the spirits ride the wind’ from the excellent prof Goodman, (it’s in her name).
I have purchased the album with drum and rattle from the CI Store
I would like to share my experience with Great Father Bear… I first saw a shaman, on the edge of a cliff facing the sea/ocean, looking at the horizon. Then I saw an eagle, then a horse. I felt lots of sensations in my arms and there was like static electricity around me. Impressions of moving up and done, from earth to sky and sky to earth.
Then I was at the back of a cave. On my left, facing the entry of the cave I saw or I was shown an opened sepulture, like it has never been covered by earth. There were bones still aligned, damaged by time, long time even. Very old. Then I look in front of me and I saw a brown bear on its two legs, looking at me. He was actually in the bear posture. I noticed that, and it was like he was showing to me the very correct posture, because when I realised that, I corrected the posture of my hands of few millimeters and it was like a seal that unlocked an energy or an energetic system into my body. I felt it was right and that I was in. Then Great Father Bear put a ball of energy into my lower belly, which brought me serenity and that rose to the chest and opened it, or released some blockage there, it was good to feel. Then I ‘ve seen the galaxy, and a white luminous jet going out of the luminous galaxy.
Sincerly, I’ve never had a vision like this before. It is new to me.
— Stephanie
Hi- I Hope this finds you well. I missed you all yesterday. Work has picked back up for the time being so I am readjusting and finding balance. Below are some journal entries from past meetings.
Peace, Love, Blessings,
Was in the forest with all the animals, birds, deer, rodents, bugs, insects, living things… Seeing through the Plants, trees, leaves Shrubs, vegetation and observing the rolling hills of the vast forest floor. Observing all the ebb and flows of energies, temperatures, and cycles of the forest. Saw eyes and became the vision of all the creatures of the forest. Saw a red oak tree and acknowledged its all seeing and watching over the forest. Swaying with the wind. Saw pyramids or triangles then embodied the mighty oak tree watching someone walk in a circle in the forest. My body began to move back and forth with a rhythm. My body was strongly grounded to the earth. I was then at the ocean floor moving with the rhythmic undulation of the tide, waves, and current. It was quiet and peaceful. I then saw the slow churn and turn of a galaxy. My body shook as if an energy was trying to come up and out from deep within. Possibly emotion of some sort. The experienced pure light and energy and was surrounded by opaqueness of white smoke or light. There was a feeling of purity. It was powerful and like nothing I have ever experienced.
-Fire -Movement -Ocean -Synergy -Prairie/ Mountains -Birds -Galaxy -Life -Cycles -Antenna -Heat -Grounding/ Rooting -Forest -Flowing water -Plants -Pyramids -Red -Regeneration -Rebirth -Balance, Healing, Medicine.
Body began rhythmic rocking or almost jumping motion that turned to a force pulling me forward. Feeling of something ancient or a time of creation. Smell that triggered the creation of earth, rock, smoke, fire, burning. Saw Triangular symbols and Some sort of center with many lines coming from it. Was transported to a hot dry place. I saw stars or points radiating some sort of energy or breathing. I felt I was traveling by some animal or vessel. I was periodically drinking something. I then ended up in a deep forest or jungle but it was hard to tell as it was night. The earth was wet where I stood, as my feet felt wet. The ground was hot/ warm. I began having visions of bugs of all types with an emphasis on heads and bodies. My focus came to one single point or eye. I experienced some sort of metamorphosis or transformation. I was then in a line of people. There were people behind and in front of me. A hand was placed on my left shoulder from behind. Moving forward, perspective, bugs, forest, eyes, flies.
I was travelling through a triangular portal. Saw repetition of triangular shapes as I moved through them to end up in a deep forest of pines. There were mountains and streams. There was a full moon above the mountains. I experienced great heat and was perspiring a good amount. The heat of the sun was then experienced. I saw butterflies and an orb-like center. I then saw Tipis and a waterfall and wetness but in a desert environment. I saw a medicine wheel with the cross pattern of the four directions. I was being hit by a force or energy from in front and pushing me back. I heard “Be here, stay here.” Then focus went to a center or point. There was again a Tipi and a being looking over or down upon me. I saw a point or triangle coming from the right field of vision. I then saw a tower or tall structure. Dive in, birds hanging from their feet, atoms, black sky, sun.
Immediate Surge of tingling and energy in the body. Saw a twisting string or long strand of some sort. Many visuals but don’t really have words for them at the time. Did see an eagle and eagle claw. A snake, fish. Somewhere by cold fresh or saltwater. Saw a horse’s tail. Smoke rising and flame of a fire dancing. Body and sensation then took over with powerful involuntary movements. Shaking and jerking. A conjunction of laugh-crying from deep within which concluded with smiling and a great feeling of peace and joy. I had a feeling of knowing. Shaking and rocking from head to toe then stillness and immense peace. legs and pelvis began to tremble head shaking side to side, up and down. Saw an X or cross symbol. Heard a man or men chanting then the voice of a woman. Saw the bare breasts of a woman. My body became a heart. burning sensations in the legs. I felt this was a powerful experience. Interesting visuals and physical body experience. Let go, let it happen, Healing.
I missed the zoom meeting for this posture but ended up doing it on my own using your drum and rattle recording. Eminence perspiration, heat, burning in shoulders. Awareness of energy center at naval. Intense waves of energy rushing through me from feet to head. Energy of earth flowing into my grounded feet and then out of my head. Fire and flames. I was fire waving in the wind, burning off the fuel and energy of the earth and releasing its heat. Flashing light. Powerful radiating energy center. Cells, cells dividing and multiplying. New Life. Truth of life. Saw a pine tree surrounded by purple electric energy. Mountains. Looking at the rim of a canyon from below. Waves of emotion- wanted to cry but couldn’t quite let go. Injured limb shook rhythmically. Creaking in knees and pelvis. Eagle or face of an owl. Bear jaws or puncture to my left and then bear to my right rolling back or lying down and facing something but don’t know what. X or cross symbol with feathers at the ends. Many strong visuals but don’t have words for. Was surrounded by brackish lake water, submerged. Words or message “Tree of life”. I feel there was more but It faded quickly. There were some distractions and it was challenging to fully let go at times as I was outside in a semi privetish area. It Was hard to feel fully safe in the space but ritual helped a lot. Felt peace but somewhat confused after with a questioning feeling. Healing. Healing on a cellular level.
Sounds of rattle initiated chills and energy flow. Many dancing visuals, some hard to put words to. Saw art of looking down on a sparrow or swallow. Objects spinning in a clockwise rotation. Orbs… Two large bears fighting, though they could have been playing and they could have been polar bears. Clear vision of a heart and outer space. Clear vision of the rings of Saturn. Faceless beings. I felt like I was holding something dense or heavy in my left hand as something of a similar nature was dropping to the earth from my right hand. My body felt overall stable but again had a feeling of denseness. Saw a doorway opening. All aspects of my body felt stable and grounded. sort of felt and saw myself bending or leaning over to look over something. Experienced some intermittent rocking and a smoothness to the body. Some creacking going on in the body. Saw some eyes, the legs/feet of a bird. Message going deep or dig deep. Loss of sense of body. Saw flowers and saw underneath a massive flower as if I was standing underneath looking up and I shrunk or the flower was huge and my body stayed as it was.
I started going into a light trance fairly quickly. My body felt like it was in a shell of some kind and then began literally melting into the floor. I found myself in loose, moist earth which felt comforting to me. I felt like I could stay there indefinitely.
I then saw a large solemn face with flank eyes, thick lips and a broad nose. The face appeared out of the darkness and I didn’t speak or have a body. I sensed it was Native American and realized after we saw the statue that it was similar to the face on the canoe statue we were shown afterward.
The face faded and I went back to an experience from earlier that afternoon when Scooby and I had flushed two deer. I felt that I was given deer vision for a short time. The images shifted quickly, were almost blurred and were monochrome. I as told the place on the hill where I often sit is a power spot where energy comes from the earth and I will always be safe there.
I then heard a rumble like thunder which I felt was the sound of the road in front of my house.
The road traffic and noise is heavy this time of day where I live. It was hard to tune out and I could also feel some vibration through my floor. I was able to tune out most of this interference by focusing on the sound of your rattles. I felt heat build up, limited shaking and a sense of anxiety at times. I removed my knee props and felt this allowed my back to shift and adjust itself.
Afterward I felt well and better than when I had started. —- Mike
There is a large mastodon at the edge of a black tar pit. And my eye is drawn to the tusks and immediately I am inside and travel along the length of the tusk in the central vein, alive, red with blood and encased in a hard outer shell of ivory. The red interior becomes a red line running to the horizon as the sun sets? rises? There is a four- sided plinth, deep red, and each side has a face carved on it and it is a land mark or sign post. I think of Ayers Rock in Australia and the red rocks in Sedona.
I see there are people on the top of these rocks, blowing through long instruments which are shaped like the tusk, long to the ground, and I am in the group. At first it is a group of Maori or Australian elders, calling into the earth (?) from a rocky out crop and I sense I am way back in time. Then it becomes a group of people high in the mountains, again blowing into long horns calling into the earth, tuning the earth? My eye is drawn to the rocky outcropping and I ask what I’m to understand about this rocky outcrop.
My eye immediately sees the tusk and its hard outer shell of ivory and I am travelling into my body on my breath, just like the air travelled down and out of the long ‘horns’ or instruments and I am inside my bones travelling on the air into the blood stream. The blood is very healthy and vital and as I look closer, I see it is full of air and fire (!) Each cell is bursting with life and in each one there is a spontaneous combustion like mini bursts of light energy.
The mini burst of light energy in the cell is the fire of life energy of the sun and stars and planet. Suddenly, fresh lava is pouring out of a volcano. As the lava/ magna hits the water of the ocean it hardens and forms into the earth’s crust that grows up into the Rocky Mountains and all the mountain ranges and the rocky outcroppings on the surface of the earth and beyond the earth. I understand, watching this happen, the gush and hiss of vapour condensing around the hot lava as it hits the cool water, that what was once liquid is solid and still contains the original fire energy of its origins.
As I watch a shower of sparks glows in the air of the earth,trailing behind a fiery comet that impacts the earth. Its solidity and rigidity carries me back inside my body. I see the bones of my skeleton are formed by minerals and fire and air and is solidified life blood, like the tar beside the mastodon is the solidified light of all the plants: light/fire vitality condensed and compressed over many millennium. I see the red stone monolith again, looking at me silently to see if I understand? Or, helping me understand?
I am back in my body and there is a strong impression of activation around my navel in the entire area of the belly and I receive the feeling that I am to use air of my lungs like a bellows to stoke the fire in the belly to create more power and focus and vitality in my body and in my will power. The image of wood stacked up appears, it’s cellulose fibre is solidified, condensed life blood of the trees is food for the fire. The journey ends.
I sense that this journey was very personal and perhaps only for me and my development. I believe this journey showed me that breath work and nutrition are two keys to be the change I want to see come into human society. I think I need to be transformed from the inside out and be more fully embodied so I can carry a bigger energetic charge. It seems that increased intensity of sunlight requires enhanced circuitry to carry this charge. The message I received today says to me to use breath work ( the tusk, the horns, the body itself ) and nutrition (the wood, the tar) to built new, better internal circuitry. Thanks for facilitating this session. I was definitely informed by setting a goal at the beginning. Not sure if this changed the way the posture normally expresses itself or not. Also not sure if I’m reading too much into this 🙂 — TD
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for making the Summer Solstice special. I almost didn’t attend when I saw that we would be doing a Celebration posture. I had heard early in the morning that my town had a shooting in our designated Autonomous Zone and felt very down. But then it occurred that celebrating might be a way to bring peace to those who died and lighten the grief for the rest of us. And this is what happened, so thank you for creating the space for that.
The Posture.
It took some time to be aware of anything except the sound of the rattle. Then I sensed a flooding of warmth and peace into my chest. It welled in from my left arm and shoulder, and took on a color and texture like golden-brown honey. As it spread, it pushed a cloudy, soft darkness out toward my right arm and shoulder, moving the cloud out of my body.
I heard and felt great grief and suffering at a distance, seeming to come from far below me as if I was traveling at a great height above the Earth. This grief was vibrating upward as if from the land itself. Over the grief was a shimmering layer of hope and kindness — not stronger than the grief, but helping to make the suffering less devastating.
Then a strong, bright red light rose from my heels up the backs of my legs, rising to my shoulders and just remaining there for some time, gradually lightening from red to a beautiful pink and then becoming what felt like wings — not feather wings but veils of light from my shoulderblades. I became aware of winged beings all around, in many sizes from tiny butterflies to great beings of light welcoming me and stirring the air, which became shining and filled with rainbow pastels. A lot of movement, hope and clear colors. I realized that my body had been very heavy and was now gradually becoming weightless. Bones especially were lighter and lighter until I was almost floating instead of standing. My arms wanted to move, but when I tried, they were locked into the posture.
Music that was also waves of light came out of my mouth, rising up toward a gigantic glow that I thought might be the Sun. And then wheeling around in an awesome arc came suns and moons following each other across an endless sky above an endless ocean…. the calendar of eternity as solstices and equinoxes continued forever, melting into each other. Under them lay the sobbing and grieving, but somehow, lighter and threaded with comfort.
As one person said during the session, there is still much work to be done to bring peace and heal humanity.
When we completed the session I found that the lightness was “real” — it stayed and infused the day. I no longer felt paralyzed and downcast but was able to enjoy the day and get a lot done. Thank you so much for the gift of thi posture.
I’ll send the vision you asked us for in a separate email.
Felt hot. Sense of Bear behind me on Right, Angelic Being on Left.
Became Phoenix rising up & up & up into the skies and beyond.
I questioned what was happening on Earth. Came down. There was a nest of baby birds and their mother in my hands, momentarily.
Became aware of crowds of people behind me – all different colours of clothes, dancing and singing, moving to circle in front of me. Some whirling dervishes. I was watching, then called into the centre of the circle with some others. Looking outwards.
Legs began to ache, I became an old tree stump protecting something on my lap.
— Sheila
A ring of light melted down from the sky over me. It felt think and gooey, it was nice. And from nowhere appeared ancestors around me in a circle. I felt a roll of breath like a cloud come down from the sky, into my mouth and into my chest, I pitched forward a bit hollowing out as the cloud expanded my chest wide swirling and swirling. Once my chest was fully puffed my spine rolled upright again, my head back and I felt myself become a “cobra”. I swayed, and I noticed I was poised as the snake though not in attack, but in trance, and I swayed more like being under the effect of a snake charmer. I noticed my hands had been pushed off my legs/abdomen and were floating above my body so I pushed my hands back into the creases of my legs and felt literal movement in my abdomen, a rising like the snake I had become was also rising up. My shoulders were sore as was my puffed chest, along with the pain I grew really hot. I noticed the heat in my face intensely and I opened my mouth very wide for what I understood to be “a beam of light from the center of the earth” to come out like a beacon into the sky. I asked toward the end of the trance if there was a message and I got the word “transmission.” The pain was gone pretty much after I broke pose. But I definitely feel like I’ve gotten messages/transmissions daily since
— CC—————————————————————————————
Hi Laura and Paul,
I hope you are doing well. Here is a more detailed discussion of my experience yesterday, June 24.
Take care,
Today, I had to eat breakfast at 9:30. My blood sugar has crashed a few times trying to wait until 11:00 am to eat. When that happens, I cannot fully enter trance, however, the posture we did today caused a crescendo of experiences all of which were fleeting; they only lasted a few seconds at a time.
While I was doing our breathing exercise, I could already feel a presence around me. I could see eye-like images that I normally see flashing across my mind’s eye in trance.
As Paul rattled, I stood there for a long time. I did not sway like I normally do. “Hmmm,” I think, “Maybe I ate too much breakfast.” I just stood there listening to the rattling. Slowly I begin to sense I was going through a tunnel and slowly swirling clockwise. The tunnels were black and green. Then I saw a set of eye-like image with a portal and notch between them. I’ve seen this composite image in other trance states. I started to feel wings sprout out between my shoulder blades, but they did not fully materialize. In the tunnel a dark face began to form but as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. I could not make out the features of the face because it did not come into focus.
A bright red sun then appeared above me. It radiated a lot of heat—a pleasant heat—that was welcomed on a cool morning in my house. Next, I was engulfed in fire, but it did not burn me. Many flickers of flames danced upwards around me. In the distance I saw a small flash of white in the shape of a bird (flashes of light and sun-like orbs are classic characteristics of the entoptic images one sees the first phases of ASC).
Then I felt that I was being pulled from deep within the earth to far into the cosmos. My feet were deeply planted in the earth and my mind was millions of miles away from the planet. I felt like the axis mundi as my being was impossibly stretched without pain.
Bummer, I returned to nothingness. It was not good or bad. It was simple nothingness devoid of images and emotions. I wondered why I have no images or feeling. I made a heavy sigh and continued to stand there in the posture. Then I started to be pulled upwards again.
My hands felt different. They were light as feathers but felt like they were handed a gift. What was the gift? I could not tell what it was. I felt incredible light. Then I saw a dark shadow of a man in black robes, but like the face I saw earlier, he too was out of focus as he was drifting head on at me. He quickly faded into an orange mist.
As the man faded, I was pulled through a tunnel or a portal (classic Phase 2 of shamanic journey according to David Lewis-Williams). A partial black and purple spiral appeared. Thoughts and emotions without words or name flowed through me as I floated to another place in the cosmos. So much heat and energy rolled through me.
I stumbled backwards and touched a chair that was a foot behind me. That stopped the trance. I resumed the position and slightly moved back-n-forth with a slight rotation in my right hip. Again, I started being stretched and pulled out of my body while remaining in it. Images started to form but they evaporated as quickly as they came. “Why are the images so elusive?”, I asked myself. Like an answer, another flash of white in the form of a bird zipped across my visual field. My hands felt light and they did not want to stay in position.
For a second, I visualized a massive net-like image (classic Phase 1 of entoptic imagery). My hands and body had become numb as I floated upwards. More net-like and root-like images appeared and disappeared. Paul’s rattle was calling us back, so I returned to my room and opened my eyes.
This one was difficult – difficult posture to get into, difficult to hold. I took 3 brief breaks.
But when I was in it correctly, I got warmth, then heat, then slight sweating which surprised me because I don’t sweat unless playing basketball. When I came back from the second break, I got coolness and cooling instead. I was feeling frustrated so I said a prayer to Dr. Goodman to help me get into the experience and her spirit showed up! She spoke gently as to a child and called me “dear one.” She told me all was ok and that whatever happened would happen.
I got just one image – a giant bird gliding over a blue blue sea – and then I became the albatross, spending my entire life flying over an endless ocean riding air currents effortlessly. I am flying; I am completely free. In terms of my personal journey, it feels like a do-over, like a new beginning is taking place within and without.
Thank you,
My arms felt like wings, then I suddenly took off flying fast into the sky, higher and higher and higher, then swooped down and up again, up and down having fun experimenting with how low I could go and still recover; or doing rollovers.
Swooped down then entered a hole in the ground, along a tunnel, then out into the sky again, keeping up the speed.
“I am free, free to be me, I am free”.
I felt hot. Saw beautiful blue swirls going higher and wider, from L to R. Small area of red and orange in R lower area which moved clockwise up into the sky, leaving a trail; and dissipated.
Started thinking of someone I once knew. I repositioned my mouth and relaxed my shoulders.
The rattles became horses – I was driving a horses-drawn open cart/chariot. I felt the pure air, blue sky, slight breeze; pure exhilaration. Bluebird of happiness again on my upper R side. — Sheila
In the beginning my feet send roots deep down into the ground and both legs become young trees. As the trees grow, they unite and form one large trunk that continues to grow taller and taller. I feel very strong and I like being a tree. Birds are playing among my branches. Next, I notice that both hands feel full of energy and I can see a bright light shining out from each one. I understand something like, “Be a light in the darkness.” Now there is a little boy climbing up my tree. He is having a wonderful time and I am happy that I can make that possible for him.
I can also feel liquid running up and down my tree trunk and at the same time I can feel it in my own back.
Finally, I’m just enjoying being a tree swaying in the wind. My mouth becomes a big smile. — Margaret
I had a feeling that I could summon all sea creatures, mermaids, mermaids and communicate with them, send messages to them. I can also communicate with my back to the elements of the earth. I see beyond the horizon of the sea, the sun and the earth as the communication of sunset and sunrise. I am a mediator. The wind from the sky turns on him too. I get tired and want to go to bed when I imagine this, I see the darkness, the elements of the sea, the sky and the earth, which together form a dark cloud like smoke and a rose. I return the elements calm down. For a moment I felt like Orpheus. My body is like a boundary of the elements
Best Wishes
I will try to tell about the latest trance posture.
First I saw white circles.
Then the moon, but the moon was black, and with some light at the top.
Faces appeared.
And there were also face masks. Looks like they were made of pottery.
A bird came forward, also the bird was in ceramics. It came closer and closer.
I saw geometric shapes. But I can’t explain how it looked. It was a kind of pattern.
And a figure of light from which the light emitted. It was difficult to see what kind of figure it was.
I love this! 🙂
Looking forward to the next opportunity.
Thank you so much!
Greetings from Anita
13th Trance w/CI
In Posture:
Immediately the horn was energized like a current of electricity and I saw the current, red running through it. I felt a wind come through the horn and I was like, “where did that come from?” I was then surrounded by very large “beings – like giants with incredible armor I have never seen before.” They poured energy into the horn, funneling into me. I bent back to be able to handle the flow. I asked what they were putting in me, I heard, “raw talent and alchemy.”
My posture was very open, balanced. I was then bending in every direction I was pointed to “blow out what they put in.” I was expected to turn what they poured into me into something to be shared.
12th Trance w/CI
In Posture:
My oldest spirit guide came in again at the beginning of the trance. I didn’t consciously call him in and this instance he appeared to me in great detail, like he was showing himself to me. Usually I see a few glimpses and know his presence this was me seeing him in full detail for the first time.
Then I had the intense sensation that I was growing very tall, like a tree. I kept growing and growing and seemed like I wouldn’t stop! I felt a deluge of information come down from the sky but I got none of it, understood nothing. I did hear, “see be seen.” I saw 3 other figures open up to the sky with their arms turned up at the sky looking up. I was overwhelmed at moments by the heat, which lasted after trance.
Figures popped up from earth mostly indistinguishable animals but what scared me was a “froggy man” who vigorously leapt up from earth right in front of me. I asked who he was but got no response, which made me go huh…..
I noticed the purple light rippled toward me this time and grew into a white brilliance and I asked the bliss if there were any other messages and I saw a very big tortoise floating in front of me.
Lastly my black cat who usually naps at this hour was intensely activated and continued to vocalize and provoke my other cat during breath work and throughout posture. Upon learning of the pose in discussion I had to laugh because my cat definitely thinks he’s a jaguar.
Sleigh bells. Crossing a vast plain (? on a horse) – not actually moving!
Nothing else happening but then realized I was hot. Then swooping in from all directions of very, very many winged spirits, birds, (and possibly Pegasus and dragons…) which then left my awareness.
Blue and yellow clockwise swirl in front of me which then exploded shooting bits into the air.
Then bright light in the sky which came closer and I saw were Angels gathering around me.
Then realized I had not moved at all from my original place, all had come to me.
—- S.H.
I felt the energy of the body’s movement. Then I turned into a butterfly, I remembered events from my childhood in the forest when we were hunting butterflies and I was not afraid. When we were children, without adults, we used to go to the forest to ski. I turned into a bird, flying on a light blue and clear sea, and rocks around. Clouds above. I flew and enjoyed the flight, the water was a mirror and through this mirror I communicated with sea animals and plants and sent them messages to the sun. Night comes and I turn into a butterfly again and fly around the moon. I see a man who communicates with the sea and with sound, then flies with the bird and they create something for the people on earth. This man is a mediator. Suddenly I see a circle around my chest and inside it an image, like a woman about to give birth to something. From this circle a huge bee is born, which is in the sea, turns into a mermaid bee and with one jump is on the ground. I see the bear, which is my totem, communicating with the moon, I start singing -a, well, oh, y. Then I felt love and heard a message, feel and manifest the rose, it’s time!
This was the first posture I did at home without CI this summer. I followed all of CI ritual steps. I used CI’s soundtrack 4 of Paul with his rattle and drum.
I had a beautiful experience but did not have defined visual experiences. Instead I saw colors that ranged from red to purple to black to green. Perhaps I sensed energies?
I noticed that I swayed differently in this posture. It seems that my movement has been different from posture to posture. In this posture I swayed more left to right with a slight back-n-forth rotation that went with the side-to-side movement. I heard the word “Goodman” said many times during the first part of the trance.
My hand on my stomach felt light and good. My internal stomach felt light and good. I sensed some people walking on the right side of me. I felt their steps moving the floor. They had a powerful presence. My husband and son were in different parts of the house, so I know that they were not the ones walking around me. (Later I asked my husband if he or Roy walked through where I was earlier. He said no. They both stayed in their rooms.)
I knew I was looking up with my mouth open, but I sensed my head was down and it was bobbing left-to-right in a slight circular pattern. I realized I was a dancing bear with my head rocking to the beat of the drum. I knew I was a black bear, perhaps a cub. I must have been a somewhat blind because I only saw changing colors. There were no shapes or designs to be found anywhere. I was happy, delightful dancing bear.
I felt amazingly light as my body was being pulled up. I felt a million little butterflies lightly touching me all over as they were giving me slight kisses or they gave me little breathes.
I am was a dancing bear again.
Healing was taking place in my body. I felt it in my cervical spine as my heading was bobbing back-n-forth as I danced the dance of the bear cub (I even peeked open and eye to find that I was still physically looking up, as my bear spirit had his head looking down). My cervical spine was being massaged as a swayed in the dance. My insides, my stomach, and my back felt healing, a deep pleasant healing. I felt amazingly good. I felt happy. I felt peace. I felt contentment. I felt safe in this space. I was safe where I was. Yet I only saw solid fields of orange clouds that changed into solid field of purple colors. Occasionally I saw fields of green.
As the rattle and drum rhythm stars to slows down, I think “no, I am not ready to leave here or for this to end.” I am brought out of trance and finish listening to the last few seconds of Paul’s rattle and drum.
As I wrote my experience, I pondered a lot of things. I wonder why I did not experience “visual visions.” It doesn’t matter I told myself. I sensed that people danced around me. Maybe they were spirits in my healing ceremony. I knew I was a dancing bear—a beautiful, delightful bear filled with beauty and health. I felt a million little butterflies light touch me. I felt my spine being massaged and healed as my bear head bobbed back-in-forth as he was looking down and danced. That was amazing because I was looking up in the ritual posture. I felt like a male bear. Not sure why but I felt a gentle male strength while I danced.
My neck felt better than it has in years. It felt good for two days after the trance. If I could experience that every few days I would be feeling a lot better, lol. To date this was the most amazing experience I have had.
It was awesome knowing that my experience was comparable to Goodman’s original findings. Again this whole processes is amazing,
An internal dialogue about the things that lie ahead. I could feel my left leg wanting to move back and my right forward. My hands are warm now. I received a message to regain my strength for action, so most ideas will be a reality, to return the smile, not to despair. I received a message that I need to improve and use my skills to talk to my spirit. I need to be aware of my emotions, but for problem solving and decision making it is important to talk to my spirit, so I will be an idea for aware and developed and I need to teach this to my clients.
Best Wishes
Rattle sounded like churning. A dairy. Friesian cows in a field. One Highland cow – I grabbed her horns and rode her – was tossed into the air.
I flipped over and dove into water as a porpoise, swimming very far out and deeper and deeper (can I still breathe? Yes, comfortably), eventually became shallower and I came up for air.
Flew higher and higher until level with skylarks. “I am free”. Looked down seeing the whole world below. Was filled with intense love and compassion for the Earth. Wanted to lean forward and hug it -I pulled back into posture. Still felt the intense love.
Back on Earth: My hands felt hot, vibrating, and heavy pulling me down – a pull from deep in the Earth.
Then released into the sky again, this time had a loose connection attached to Earth. “I am free”. “I have come to Earth to heal”.
Deep on Earth again, feeling great joy. — S.H.
Almost immediately my body begins to move back and forth as if I am in a rocking chair. But then I realize that I am in a row boat, rowing down a river. There is a figure sitting at the other end, facing me and giving me directions as to which way to go. The figure is ethereal, almost transparent and definitely feminine. Her color keeps changing from silver to black and back to silver. She does not speak, but communicates in some manner. I ask her where we are and she tells me that we are on the Amazon River. I ask why we are here and she says, “We are cleaning the water”. She tells me to look around and observe the area. The banks of the river are covered with beautiful green bushes and trees.
The rowing is rhythmic and very easy, as if we are going with the current. After a while we come to a clearing and I can see a group of indigenous men and women dancing. My “guide” informs me that they, too, are cleaning the river. I stop rowing and watch and I realize they are dancing to the rhythm of the rattle. I think about joining them but decide to start rowing again to see more of the river. I feel relaxed, confident and happy. Before long we come to the mouth of the river and my companion says, “Good-by”. As I am wondering, “Now what?”, the rattling stops. I can’t believe it has been 15 minutes!
I am left with feelings of well-being, strength (a kind of feminine energy) and a close relationship to both nature and the native people.
Today there were a lot of different visuals and a lot of different emotions. Most of visuals did not turn into specific recognizable forms, but a few did. When images materialized, they were usually of a single eye in profile or arch-like designs (sort of like upside-down horseshoes) with something under them. It seemed my mind was racing a million miles an hour and had so many fast-moving experiences that there was no way to remind them all. I did not have enough time to write everything down in my journal.
The first thing I felt was my skull being opened at the top, near my forehead and all the way around the skull. I was pulled out of my braincase.
One at a time a single eye in profile appeared in my visual field. Sometimes the eye was a big bird’s eye. Sometimes it was an Eagle’s eye. Several times I saw a hawk’s eye. For a second a saw a hawk’s eye and part of his yellow beak. I saw an Owl’s eye. It was weird that I only saw one eye at a time that took up most of my visual field.
I saw my normal red/orange clouds that shifted to black and purple clouds. I felt like I was sort of tunneling at times. There was a lot of heat at times.
The sun/orb that I sometimes see in trance was in the upper, left side of my visual field, which was unusual. Normally I see suns and orbs in my upper right visual field.
A felt a pleasant, cool breeze on my lower arms.
At one point I saw a form that almost looked like a purple angel. It was abstract and asymmetrical. I also saw an arch design that had a line under it. I also saw an arch over a triangle shape (see figures).
Next, I saw lots of fire. I was surrounded by flames. I asked myself, “Am I in hell? Is that a monster on the horizon?” I started to get scared but told myself not to be scared. This perception like everything else in this space dissipated as quickly and mysteriously as it came.
Whoa a UFO! I thought while I was in trance. In trance, I thought the reason that I was seeing a flying saucer was because yesterday I wore a Roswell alien t-shirt all day (my Dad lives in Roswell part of the year. My sons and I have hoot going to alien stores.) The flying saucer only lasted a second. After trance, I was surprised that others saw aliens and ships.
I started having the most pleasant feel. I was super relaxed.
Surprise! I saw a single eye in profile. It appeared to be an eye of a feathered serpent. It had feather-like curly eyelashes. It was huge and took up my entire visual field, making me feel tiny.
Small flashes of tiny white speck occasional appeared.
My body started to sway left-to-right. I saw an eye-like design with a tunnel between them.
I sensed I was either in flight or sailing. I must be in flight because I could almost look down on a landscape or something, yet it felt more like being on a sailboat. I felt comfortable and at peace while I was flying or sailing.
Towards the end of the trance my tongue became very animated. I could not keep it in place. It would flatten out and curl up. It became something else. Not sure what, but it was not MY tongue! It drew up to the cosmos. For a second, I imagined that it was a bear’s tongue licking a large snout. Again, it went elsewhere. I had to reel it back into swallow because my throat had become dry.
I began convulsing. I felt my eyes in the back of my head. I saw lots of arch like designs while my eyes were back there.
My tongue started going crazy again. I think it had enough of me and wanted to leave me (LOL). It turned into a large snake-like thing or it turned into the bill of a large duck.
When we finished the trance and I began to write my notes, all I thought was “dang, that was crazy.” Even days later, I am left with the feelings and memories that was one hell of a crazy ride. It drove me all over an emotional map from flashes of fear and feeling like I was burning in hell to feeling a cool breeze on my arms to feeling like I was simultaneously sailing and flying in the heavens. I also had moments of profound tranquility and relaxation.
Some rough sketches

P & L,
Here’s a recast of my notes written following today’s session, for your records, showing some similarities and some differences from what other’s reported for this posture experience.
I was initially off balance as well and shifting my weight, and feeling the old injury in my right ankle. As I began to settle down, golden light filled my visual field and I was seeing a large snake, also golden, take form in the light. It slithered around my feet and then up my body, finally coming to rest on my shoulders. Part of my brain said “you’re afraid of snakes, and the other part answered, but not of this one, no need to be afraid.” I was then also holding a snake in each hand like in the Hopi Snake dancers do, both snakes, black, and much smaller than the one on my shoulders, and next there was a light and an opening and a giant golden cobra with it’s head wings open and I was transfixed for a time, staring at it and seeing the hood parts go in and out as though it was using them as sensors of some sort. Next I was at Uluru in Australia and I was walking around the base of the rock and I intuitively knew that the rock was (or is) a Snake creation. And I thought the people climbing up it were dishonoring it. Then I remembered the Uraeus’ on the crowns of the Pharaoh’s, and the four headed one used as a symbol in some of the temples, and I thought “all the power points are linking up for the Snake, and we need to go to Ireland and help the Sacred Snake return to Ireland and soon.
If we weren’t in a pandemic situation, I would probably be booking a trip to Ireland right now. What do you think?
Thanks in advance, and really felt a great sense of well being after the session, which I can still feel now. Thank you heaps for your guidance and for offering this on-line. It’s a life saver.
Hi Paul and Laura, I am so grateful to be able to connect with you and find out more about ETP in a way that probably would never have happened in normal circumstances, very sad though it is that we are in this terrible situation.
This week I decided to go into my back garden as I felt on previous occasions that maybe the environment of my home office might somehow be a blocker to the experience. This was a little challenging, as although I have a small semi-private area at the back of the garden, there was still the neighbours screaming children, a barking dog, a lawnmower and the occasional wood pigeon! In addition the small worry of neighbours spotting me behaving oddly and the worry that the smudging might be miss-interpreted as some kind of stoner activity! (Currently illegal in our neck of the woods 🙂 )
Anyway I settled into my favourite corner of my garden between the Silver Birch and the Tulip tree and managed to get my iPhone to just about pick up my wifi to be able to participate in your session. I immediately felt much more in tune being outside and the call to the six directions felt much more immediate and genuine than being indoors.
The breathing exercise was very useful as I managed to mentally isolate myself from the chaos in the surrounding gardens. I sat on the floor on a yoga mat but with bare feet and my hands touching the ground. As soon as the rattling started I found the cacophony of external noises distracting so I turned my earphone volume up to very loud.
For a few minutes I was concentrating on the discomfort of the position, my right leg and my stomach were hurting a bit. Then I felt a tingling and a surge of energy in my hands and arms where I was touching the bare earth. I had the usual colours in front of my eyes, reds, purples but unusually this time, pale greens as well. I had a few glimpses of eyes that I’ve had on a some of my earlier journeys which I had dismissed and failed to report as being “too obvious” a mental image. My tongue started to feel huge. This time I was not so focussed on the lack of mental imagery as I had been in previous weeks, just letting things progress naturally. The rattling started to merge into the sound like a jet plane
Then around 2/3 of the way in I felt a sudden tingling down my spine and an incredible wave of energy course through my body, so powerful I could hardly stand it. I was trembling with the power, my eyelids and facial muscles were twitching madly. In front of my eyes were a turbulent mix of reds, oranges, golds, and yellows like looking at a close-up video of the sun, I was beginning to wonder how much of this energy I could take, then it faded rapidly and I was for a few timeless moments, left in a state of bliss with the cooling breeze flowing through my body feeling an amazing lightness and oneness. Then a gradual warm feeling like a big hug from the universe. This was again accompanied by colours light purples, reds oranges then I became once again aware of my physical discomfort and then shortly heard the call to return.
This was the first really significant experience I have had doing ETP since I started, this is maybe my 5th or 6th session. Previously the effects have been subtle in the extreme, occasional fleeting minds-eye imagery and occasional feelings of tingling or subtle power, however, I‘ve always found the experience positive and afterwards felt refreshed but this was on another level entirely.
I am very excited to have achieved a glimpse of the ecstatic state in this session, I have been hoping to achieve that feeling of oneness and belonging which has been the driving motivation for me. Wow ! I’m no longer getting upset that I am not experiencing these transformative, visual, near-psychedelic journeys that other report, as the divine energy of this last experience was just beautiful.
The discussion session you held a week last Sunday was very, very valuable for me. I started to realise although I had not encountered the full immersive experience that I was still beginning to observe typical signs of ETP. The energy, swaying, the sound of the rattle transforming, loss of sense of time etc. And this week after the session when Laura mentioned “the eyes” – that blew me away as I had been seeing these from the very start but didn’t really note this as being significant, thinking it was too obvious a mental image.
Again at the end I was really interested by the commonality of the experiences from 40 or so people spread around different countries and cultures. This time I could see that the crossed legged posture with the tongue out could maybe subconsciously indicate frog or cat like imagery but the detail and similarities were intriguing. For me, the others reporting a surge of energy and the eyes was particularly interesting. E.M.
Hey Paul,
This was a new posture for me but I found it fairly comfortable once I adjusted my body within its confines. The trance seemed to last a relatively long time but I maintained the position throughout.
My questions were about ….. (personal)
I then went on a brief sojourn into the statue’s land and saw a heavy incense laden smoke rising from a dark subterranean chamber. This vision was followed by large snakes moving on the ground around me. They were not threatening even though they were huge like boas. I felt my left arm signified a snake with my hand being the head, or that my hand was holding a snake.
The last 15 minute discussion by you and Laura really helped me to better understand the nature of divination postures. What you folks said really hit home. A few comments such as “a conversation, inner knowing, concise answers, a pat on the back and more preparing for the future rather than predicting it” were especially enlightening.
I felt good and relaxed afterward like I had experienced a release of tension or pressure. That afternoon and evening I felt extremely tired and drowsy like the journey had taken a great deal of energy from me. M.H.
Aloha Paul and Laura Lee! Finally here are my recent Trances!!
I LOVE doing these new postures (for me) with you and the group!!!
What a blessing and a JOY!!!
And i so appreciate all your time, effort, guidance and information!!
with lots of love and aloha, Lalénya
ETP 1. I’m in a green, spring meadow with lots of wildflowers. The earth opens up, and i fall into complete darkness. I think it’s a cave – it feels damp, yet dry (??). As my eyes adjust, there is a soft light, and iI see a very large Turtle/Tortoise in front of me. There is some movement in the dark, and am given a Paleolithic torch, so now i can see much better. I examine the back of the turtle – it’s a “Map of Creation” – i see a dark void, stars, planets, and lots of moons. The I am smaller, and standing on the back of the turtle. The “Creation Myth” continues – similar to the Iroquois creation myth of Sky Woman falling from the sky and landing on the turtle.
Then I am on a beach by the sea, under a sky of stars, and many different animals appear with gifts of food for me. Bear brings berries and salmon, someone brings the “3 Sisters” – corn, squash, and beans, others bring more.
Then I am on the Medicine Wheel – seems like at Cuyamungue Institute, with the 4 quarters in green, red, black and white. I spiral out from the center, then I’m doing a circle dance with a group around the perimeter of the Medicine Wheel. At first it is slow, like a Sufi dance, then faster like a native dance. up and down and around with rattles. It feels like a Harvest Ceremony Dance. As the rattle ended, I am in the Kiva at CI, then back to Maui.####
ETP 2. I spiraled down into a small ball and went through a black hole in our universe, into a whole new universe!! it was more dark, with just a few stars. I became a twinkling light. It felt like a Rebirth!!! It seems like Thoth the Egyptian God was there, and showing me “where he came from” – a different dimension! As the rattle ended, i came back through the black hole, to our galaxy, and back to Maui! ####
First, I see a Blue Peacock unfolding it’s beautiful fan of feathers. I feel proud and powerful standing in the posture. I am reminded to be humble and loving.
A tall, dark Nubian Warrior is standing in front of me. I look up and into his eyes, and get a “download” – don’t know what it is!.
I standing on a low hill, overlooking my domain, seeing a river in the near distance. As I walk down the hill, towards the river, as a man, others join me, and then we are in a procession to the temple. We take a large statue out of the temple – at first it is the Sun God, then it changes into the Moon Goddess. We take her down to the River for an annual bathing ritual and ceremony with lots of flowers. Then I am back at the temple, as a woman, up on the top roof/deck, a group us watch the sun set, and the full moon rise. There is another ceremony with dancing.
The scene changes, and i am in a boat, looking out over the prow, and going down river. – to the sea? We are taking something(??) out into the world.
It felt like I was in ancient Egypt, or Sumeria, Mesopotamia on the Tigris-Euphrates. I though it was interesting that i alternated between being a man and a woman!
waith warm Aloha, Lalenya
Hi Laura, Hi Paul,
Hoping this message finds you in awe and wellness.
This message first to thank both of you for the great opportunity, intel and experience you provide.
Then, don’t hesitate to send me the texts for translations into French.
The last Wednesday session was a bit overwhelming so to say, the spirits having brought to the surface depth of pain deeply buried. Well done, I was surprised and it is always positive to release. Healing and educative, for sure. Thank you universe !
Here my experience of the last saturday session that contains lots of similarities with the experiences shared within the group.
I directly felt some burst of heat when the rattle started. I was in the depth of the rainy forest; a splendid jaguar came to me and cuddled me then he was coming in and out of me. Then I saw a huge serpent which was also a river. Then I became very light, as a feather or less, and I moved up into the air, above the forest, above the earth itself, until I saw it as big as a fist. During this passage, I alternatively saw the head of an eagle in front or aside of me. I felt calm, free, love and in harmony with all around and beyond. Then I came back to my body and my arms started to tremble a lot and they were morphing, some parts were growing, changing again, with no definitive shape, sometimes resembling the beginning of the shape of bird legs or jaguar legs. Then I flip into a jaguar running in the forest very fast, and sometimes I was seeing it running. Then I saw and entered a white polar bear on a icy landscape, and I jumped into the icy waters, and the rattle stopped.
Thanks again for all, I look forward for all !! lol