“Mega” Ecstatic States
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By Paul Robear
Exploring examples of alternate reality experiences and ecstatic states of consciousness has led us to recent research on the influence of group experiences in mega-churches. A study by University of Washington Professor Jim Wellman found that attending a mega-church can trigger brain responses similar to the high induced by illicit drugs. This effect is linked to the neurochemical oxytocin, which significantly impacts the prefrontal cortex—shaping thoughts, decisions, and behaviors. During a mega-church sermon, an “oxytocin cocktail” is created, combining oxytocin with other neurotransmitters and hormones. This blend fosters feelings of recognition, trust, and stress reduction.
The origins of this ecstatic state are still debated. Is it the cadence of the sermon, the driving beat of Christian rock, or a combination of factors? Recent neuro-acoustic studies highlight the profound impact of rhythmic sound on the brain, suggesting that sound plays a critical role.
Dr. Felicitas Goodman’s research further supports this idea. She demonstrated that rhythmic sound stimulation could profoundly alter consciousness, enabling access to alternate realities. Importantly, Dr. Goodman concluded that no belief system is necessary to achieve an ecstatic state. Through specific postures combined with rhythmic sound, individuals can safely and reliably enter these states.
Dr. Goodman’s journey began at Denison University, where she used her students as test subjects. She initially applied rhythmic sound techniques inspired by her earlier research in apostolic churches in Mexico. While her students successfully entered altered states, their experiences lacked consistency. This led Dr. Goodman to explore the role of body posture in inducing trance.
She discovered that certain postures, depicted in ancient statues and cave art, could unify the trance experience. By having volunteers assume these postures while listening to rhythmic sounds—like a rattle beating at 210 beats per minute—Dr. Goodman observed a remarkable transformation. Participants entered a deep trance state, experiencing visions and accessing alternate realities. The rapid rhythm helped bypass a key barrier in the nervous system, facilitating this profound shift in consciousness.
These findings underscore the universal human capacity to reach ecstatic states, whether in a modern mega-church or through ancient ritual practices, highlighting the deep connection between rhythm, posture, and altered states of consciousness.
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