The Woman of Choroy – Chile

Submission from the Chile Ritual Posture Group

Margaret O’Rourke in Chile reports they are researching various Mapuche figures as possible ritual postures. This ancient civilization that still exists today in the South of Chile. The name Mapuche literally means people of the earth.

“The 1st experience with the Woman from Choroy was in Santiago with a few of the women who participate regularly in Judy’s group in Conspirando.  The 2nd is from a weekend workshop on postures which I did at Tremonhue last Nov. Because it was a large number of people they shared in small groups, so I didn’t hear everyone. However I asked those who had time to write out their experience.   The first few times we did it, we made no sound.  However, Delia decided to try it with sound since the mouth was open.


This has is the translation – original Spanish below

Archaelogical description: It is a ceramic pot in the shape of a person, found in a tomb in the area of Ruca Choroy (in the province of Neuquen, Argentina) It is thought to be part of a Mapuche burial. It could date from the pre-hispanic

pottery period (0-1536). It is a woman with her head turned up slightly, her mouth open in the form of an ecstatic cry. It is probably a proto-Machi or the Gran Madre.

Posture:  Based on the image and the description we decided that it was a standing posture, with the usual position of feet and slightly bent knees. The left hand is on the abdomen with fingers separated and pointing toward the belly button. The right arm is extended forward with the elbow slightly bent. The fingers of the right hand are turned inward toward the palm of the hand and the thumb is pointed upward. The mouth is open and the head bent back slightly

Experiences: from a few notes taken by someone.

de Judy R.

The posture was strong and energetically intense. I feel it is a posture to share with other women, to talk about in public, because I feel that in this posture one can tell the truth with authority. I feel she is a woman who protects her community and is concerned with everything. She connects the heavens and earth through the center. She empowers, protects and is compassionate.

de Lucienne

I feel lots of energy. I see a large snake. I understand that the woman canalizes energy from above through her mouth in order to bring it to the earth and her community. I see a baby and nature. I feel she protects the whole community. She is a strong warrior. I ask what is she channeling through her mouth and she just crosses her arms. I have feelings of power and compassion combined. I feel and understand that the posture is multi-dimensional; works in different directions, with different energies, bringing all to the center.

de Isabel P.

I see a number of snakes around her. Now they go in front of her and form a tree. I see an island and an agricultural machine that is sowing a large amount of seeds. The feeling is one of abundance. Next, I see people working the land.

Then I see children and men in canoes. They are rowing and by means of a game they teach the children to fight. They move the canoes from side to side.

Near the end I hear the clear sound of a trutruka inside myself. This leaves me very happy.

 Original Spanish Report:






Láminas 9 y 10 (Schobinger 1969)

Corresponde a la misma figura (foto y dibujo de su decoración). Es una vasija cerámica con un personaje modelado, hallada en una tumba en el área de Ruca Choroy (Neuquén Argentina). Si bien se estima que formaría parte de una sepultura mapuche, según el autor (dado que se desconoce su origen) podría ser de periodos alfareros prehispanos (0-1536 d.C.). Corresponde a una mujer con la cabeza algo hacia arriba y la boca abierta en actitud de grito extático, probablemente una proto-machi o “Gran madre”.

POSTURA: Decidimos en base a la imagen y la descripción, ponernos de pie , con rodillas semiflectadas, mano izquierda sobre el cuerpo, al lado del ombligo, dedos abiertos. Brazo derecho, flectado hacia delante, mano empuñada, dedo gordo hacia arriba, boca abierta y cabeza ligeramente inclinada hacia atrás.


Postura fuerte e intensa energéticamente. Siente que es una postura para compartir con otras mujeres, para hablar en público, exponiendo, porque siente que al estar en esta postura se puede decir la verdad con fuerza(autoridad). Siente que es una mujer que protege a su comunidad, preocupada de todos los reinos. Que conecta con el cielo y la tierra hacia el centro. Empodera y protege. Es compasiva.


Siente mucha energía, ve una gran culebra, entiende que la mujer canaliza energía de arriba a través de la boca, para bajarla a la tierra a su comunidad, ve una guagua, y naturaleza, siente que protege a toda la comunidad. La siente guerrea, fuerte. Pregunta que está canalizando ahora por la boca, y la mujer la acurruca con sus brazos, cariñosa. Siente una combinación entre fuerza y compasión. Con la postura siente y entiende que es multidimensional, trabaja distintas direcciones, distintas energías, llevándolas al centro.


Ve varias culebras alrededor de ella, se ponen frene a ella y forman un árbol. Ve una isla y máquina de agricultura sembrando gran cantidad de semillas, sensación de abundancia. Luego ve a la gente trabajando la tierra. Luego ve niños y hombres en canoas, reman y a través del juego se le enseña a los niños a pelear, se dan vuelta en las canoas a un lado y al otro. Casi al final siente un sonido de trutruka muy claro dentro suyo, que la deja muy feliz.