Supporting Members

Here is a list of our supporters and community members!

THANK YOU for joining our community!  We want to acknowledge the commitment of these supporters, from one-time donors to recurring givers and to our volunteers for the time, effort, and impact these individuals have made to supporting the Programs of the Cuyamungue Institute. From Ecstatic Trance Postures sessions to our Conversation 4 Exploration series, as an independent, not-for-profit educational organization [Section 501 (c) (3)] we are committed to the study of “ASC” Altered States of Consciousness as a natural extension of the human experience. Our focus is reflected in three main areas: Experience, Education and Exploration.

Your donation may be tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Donations made from outside the U.S. may have different rules. Please consult a tax adviser concerning your specific situation.  Should you need any additional information or documentation of your donation, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Michele Kennedy Carolyn Pokres
Marilyn Wagner Michael Harmon
Sat Sarbat Kaur Joseph Goldfedder *
Cat Shepard Joachim Schmid
Brian Tucker Robert Stevens
Nancy Maddams Patricia Williams
Roland Steffen Stephanie Stephens
Kate Walker Lesley Linton
Robert Stevens L & B Smith
Donna Lévesque Mark Earll
John & Rachel Halvorson Yolanda Tims
Amber Raye Logan Lucy Morgan
Mary Kearns Karen Miranda
Goedele Lengeler Petra Kern
Barbara & Gerry Clow Arlette Baljon
Kate Lawrence Lisa Woodside
Kim Miller Lilith Ren
Morgan Taylor Stephanie Tanquart
Hildegard Starmer Jennifer Stefani
Charles Beardsley Leslie Zehr
Marilyn J. Hayes Christine VanPool
Brian Tucker Laurence Chapman
Riëtte van der Plas Melissa Moss
Marie Nelson Jennifer MeKenna
Harman Benda Kathryn Fritze
Cynthia Devlin Bat-Sheva Koren
Homa Hirantner Stéphanie Tanquart
Marjorie Rhea Barbara Maraviov
Mary Fox Suzanne Simmons
Karin Brønnum Jackie Haworth
Katie Rouse Judy Lemon
Sorcha Ni Charthaigh Mareev Zehavi
Christine VanPool Monica DeRaspe-Bolles
Sylvie Guillet Patrica Scamoffa
Damla Aktekin Gina Mongiello
Stéphanie Tanquart Shelley & Graeme Woodrow
Karen Myers Sorcha Ni Charthaigh
Jill Striebinger James Lanpheer
Lalenya L. Vann Ronda Trujillo
Nezhapi-Delle Odeleye Nicholas Theodore
Dave & Linnea Hadaway Aris Plampe
Lise McKean Judith Roderick
Petra Kral C. Montana
Stephen Condit Cat Shepard
Ann Donovan Karen Tate
Miriam Katz Carla Budd
Gary Heine kathryn fritze
Sheila Hall Kristin Barendsen
Susan Plum Frederick Smith
Dorine Smith Friedrich Emch
Elena Nichols Phil Childers
Bobbye Middendorf Tessa Harris
Michael Viola Evelyn Hall
Konrad Hughes Mary Kearns
Kathryn Lad Bo Hale
Francesca Milena Dell’Amore Sister Margaret O’Rourke
Diane Warming Frank Ortiz
Fanny Perez Jackie Haworth
Linnea Hadaway David Moore
Sharon Rose Lynne Stokke
Sheran Kaplan-Hicks Suzanne McAnna
Richard Borgia Hwee Meng Tan
Eva Jover Sovay McGalliard
Nathan Ayala David Griffin
Lynda Paladin Meredith Breeden
Brigid Donohue Shoshana Wechsler
Jennifer Rike Gary Palisch
Theresa E Moran Sonia Smith
Shoshana Wechsler Melinda L Scholten
Dominique Mazeaud Lilan Laishley
Sarah Biondi Jennifer Rike
Jamie Givens Alyne Hazard
Richard Brown Jürgen Friedrich
Astrid Ndiaye Sol Lederman
Emily Mulvey Beat Kopp
Earl Urwiller Bianca Harle
Amber Raye Logan C Rex Barker
Jane Hewett Raquel Galindo
Ann Burgess

Where is my name?  If you have made a recent donation and it is not represented on this list, we apologize for this error, please contact us so that we can make a correction immediately.  Thank you.