March Newsletter 2012
Letter from the President
by Paul Robear
![Felicitas Goodman](
The Cuyamungue Institute is founded on a very simple principle. Dr. Felicitas Goodman underscores that “This method is based on my discovery that certain works of non-western art – such as figurines and rock paintings – are not just simply expressions of creativity, but in fact are ritual instructions.” When we follow these “ritual instructions” and hold the postures we achieve a bodily induced shifting of consciousness; a trance experience. The outcome of this is the systematic process we call “The Cuyamungue Method.”
In last month’s newsletter, we asked for current day experiences of how the practice of the Cuyamungue Method is affecting our lives. Although we practice the CM method for a variety of reasons, the most common intention is investigating consciousness or the nature of existence, responding to the longing for spiritual fulfillment. Some postures tend to lead to experiences of healing while others evoke experiences of changing form or hearing specific guidance; the experience of ecstatic trance almost always leads to some form of healing. We also have found that guidance is available through every trance experience. So it might be helpful to reframe the goal in terms that are more personally accessible to us. Here are a few of the benefits of The Cuyamungue Method:
- Healing – increasing health and well-being while decreasing stress and anxiety
- Guidance – gaining insight and deeper understanding of your life
- Enhanced Creativity – experiences of expanded consciousness opens the world of creativity
- Transformation – through transformative experiences we find our authentic self
- Initiation – a new freedom to embrace our full potential, and all that life’s passages have to offer
We all can add to the research of Dr. Goodman by continuing to document our experiences. I look forward to hearing more of your experiences and the benefits that come with the practice of the Cuyamungue Method.
Additional Benefits of Ecstatic States. Certified Instructor, James Lawer details some additional benefits of experiencing ecstatic states through the practice of the Cuyamungue Method.
The Power of Animal Spirits. The knowledge and power of animal guides can be effectively used to enhance our lives. Nick Brink outlines how his workshop can help identify an animal spirit guide to further the healing process, and go beyond to access Universal Mind.
Cuyamungue International:
England – The Trance Postures and Avebury. Julie Nichol shares her posture experiences at Britain’s ancient sacred site of Avebury, the largest stone circle in the world covering over 28 acres.
Chile – Mapuche figures – Margaret O’Rourke in Chile reports they are researching various Mapuche figures as possible ritual postures. This ancient civilization that still exists today in the South of Chile. The name Mapuche literally means people of the earth.
“The 1st experience with the Woman from Choroy was in Santiago with a few of the women who participate regularly in Judy’s group in Conspirando. The 2nd is from a weekend workshop on postures which I did at Tremonhue last Nov. Because it was a large number of people they shared in small groups, so I didn’t hear everyone. However I asked those who had time to write out their experience. The first few times we did it, we made no sound. However, Delia decided to try it with sound since the mouth was open. Her group in Valpariso had some very different experiences.
The Long Man of Wilmington Posture. In her “Trance Postures and Avebury” article, Julie Nichol notes that she lives only a few miles from The Long Man of Wilmington and have stood at his feet, poles in hand, doing a Trance Posture, to great effect. I thought it would be a nice follow-up to post the details here for anyone wishing to work with this posture.
The Long Man of Wilmington is a hill figure located in Wilmington, East Sussex, England on the steep slopes of Windover Hill, 9.6 kilometres (6 mi) northwest of Eastbourne. The Long Man is 69.2 metres (227 ft) tall and designed to look in proportion when viewed from below.
Posture Description. Using two sticks or poles each about six feet long. Position one at each side of the body and hold with your hand at a place just above shoulder level. The left hand is is slightly higher than the right. Stand with knees relaxed, not locked. Your right foot is a bit forward with it slightly angled to the right. This may shift your weight a little to your left leg. Hold your head straight ahead with your eyes closed.
We would love to hear your experiences and we will share them with Julie.
Spring Equinox Posture by Marianne Carroll. “As Mercury is slowing its pace to go retrograde at 3:49 am Monday morning — giving us some time to reflect and assimilate the rapid shifts we’ve been feeling since the Full Moon last Thursday — I thought I’d speak a little about what is going on in the skies so you can share in my excitement…”
2012 Workshops at the Cuyamungue Institute
Make your plans now, come experience the special power of the land and enjoy the benefits of going deep into the posture experiences People walk away stimulated, engaged, and more knowledgeable
May 31 – June 3 The Hero Journey, Embracing Your Own Story
Instructors: Paul Robear, Laura Lee
June 13-17 Masked Trance Dance
Instructors: Rae LeCompte, Jackie Haworth, Stephanie Stephens
July 25-29 Using The Cuyamungue Method for Healing, Growth
and to Access the Universal Mind. Instructor: Nick Brink
July 30-August 3 Discovering the Power of Animal Spirit Guides
Instructor: Nick Brink
August 29 – September 2 Teacher Training: Becoming a Certified Instructor
Instructors: Belinda Gore, Jackie Haworth
September 18 -23, 2012 Experience the Dendara Zodiac through Posture
Instructors: Jill Schumacher & Meredith McCord
Online registration is easy – go to
Donna Wilshire. We are saddened to learn of the death of Donna Wilshire. Her website says “Donna has lectured widely on her favorite subjects: the Old Ways, the power and humaneness of the Oral Tradition, and the lives of women throughout the ages , across the U.S.A., in England, Canada, and Peru.” Her husband Bruce was a senior professor of philosophy at Rutgers and author of Wild Hunger, about the need for wildness in our lives, much like Felicitas’ ecstasy deprivation concept. A wonderful dynamic and creative couple, we enjoyed their visit to the Institute. Our heartfelt condolences go out to Donna’s family.
Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 9th through Tuesday, June 12th at the Institute. The schedule of activities and agenda will be provided to board members prior to the meeting. We have expanded the length of our meeting to allow for us to go deeper into experience, also to strengthen our strategic planning process, and to create a long-term vision for the future of the Cuyamungue Institute.
Paul Robear – March 2011