Art, Trance & Ritual The Visionary Art of David Paladin – Part 1 – Lynda Paladin

Lynda Paladin shares a retrospective on the art of her late husband, David Paladin, sharing images from her archive of David’s paintings, quotes, and insightful stories from their life together. “A masterclass in Shamanic Art”
Son of a Navajo mother and missionary father, David Chethlahe Paladin (1926-1984) grew up on a Navajo reservation. His visionary art weaves “ancient and archetypal symbolism from a universal source of mystical knowledge”, influenced by time spent with the Huichols and Tarahumaras of Mexico, Pueblo tribes, and Australian Aboriginals, in a style all his own.

Notably, David painted in a trance state, tested as beta plus theta brain waves (in this way similar to the ‘waking dream state’ that we work with, with ritual)

Part 2:

Hosted by Laura Lee & Paul Robear,, Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration,