Decoding Ancient Artifacts: Mesoamerica Shamanic Cultures – Christine VanPool / Todd VanPool

Christine VanPool / Todd VanPool
Popular professors of archaeology and anthropology at the University of Missouri, Christine and Todd’s field work and research into Mesoamerica’s pre-Columbian art, iconography, pottery and shamanic cultures looks deeply into intention and meaning. CI’s research has long focused on evidence, including direct experience, that body positions as depicted in select ancient artifacts can be decoded as “ritual instruction” for Spirit Journey experiences. Todd and Chris report on our collaboration, a study of specific postures they see represented in Mesoamerican pottery and art.

The original research was the insightful work of anthropologist Felicitas D. Goodman (founder of the Cuyamungue Institute) as she looked to some of the world’s collection of early and indigenous art — and decoded selected artifacts as “ritual instructions”.