Empowerment of Women: Resetting Roles & Goals – Leslie Zehr, Keren Brown

A conversation not for women only, but for us all: How are women today drawing from the long, rich history of empowered women in earlier eras, from the wisdom of women’s “traditional business”, from our innate feminine powers, and from the Divine Feminine — and parlaying that into the present needs of individual lives fulfilled, and the collective rebalancing of society, our world, and our place in it? the larger mission of regaining our rightful place as co-equals …and how women’s role now is to help right our path, regain balance. our voice is so needed to help steer us into the future. The progress wise have made, the progress we need to make, the challenges ahead. Our two guests, both involved in the empowerment of women, will share their personal stories, insights, and coaching practices.

Hosted by Laura Lee & Paul Robear,, Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration,