Environmental Consciousness – Daniel Spencer Ph.D.

Geology, Ecology, Eros & Ethics . We continue to explore the relationship between human experience and our environment. Environmental Consciousness shifts our perspective from anthropocentric to ecocentric not independent of our environment but prioritizing our deep interconnected dependence on nature. Our guest today provides a unique perspectives combines his work as a geologist reading Earth’s and Evolution’s story, which he compares to the Biblical creation story. From Gaia’s story to ours, we must look at sustainability at all levels, and what gets in the way of that. Divorcing ecology from eros is one factor, and healing our culture’s underlying misogyny will close the gap between sexuality vs spirituality.

We’ll explore this with Daniel Spencer Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies at University of Montana. He shares his wide-reaching research and travels that shaped his views on Globalization Greening Religion Earth Ethics and Ethical Issues in Ecological Restoration. He agrees it’s time to rethink our relationship to our planet our sexuality ecology and the sacred. He sees ecological ethics as “the true baseline for all ethics, with true justice built upon right relation among all life, all species, not just ours.” He adds “only when we are able to integrate our sexuality with our spirituality will we fully experience the divine – and fully live out our ethical values.”

Hosted by Laura Lee & Paul Robear,, Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration,