Oldest Traces beyond the Arctic Circle – Jiří Chlachula

When did the first people arrive in the Americas? Evidence mounts for dates long before the end of the last Ice Age. Prof. Jiří Chlachula, archaeologist and geologist shares some of the oldest evidence for human migrations from Siberia into northern Canada, across the Bering Land Bridge which his research into climate, geology, and archaeology says was navigable even at the height of the Ice Age. How widely is this evidence accepted or contested? How far back might this story go? What DNA and cultural connections link the Paleolithic peoples of Siberia to the Americas?

Jiří Chlachula, Geologist and Archaeologist Dr. Jiří Chlachula, Prof. of Geographical and Geological Sciences at Adam Mickiewicz University,

Hosted by Laura Lee & Paul Robear,, Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration,