The Emerging Metaverse: Digital Exploration, Virtual Reality and Beyond

Guests: “Jee” Dhamindra Jeevan, Christa Pusateri. The Metaverse has dramatic implications that call us to claim a role in shaping the worlds within the world that is being created. Who is going to be building, and therefore controlling, the metaverse? Most of the mainstream news is following this topic from the corporate angle. However there are two sides to the story of the Metaverse. Our guests point out that while it is important for all of us to be aware of the perils, there may be greater possibilities – ‘we can create a metaverse that allows communities to gather together ‘for unprecedented ways of learning and wondrous experiences.’

As a digital matte painter, Jee’s art spans the otherworldly landscapes he’s created for Hollywood movies. With partner Christa, who teaches entrepreneurship and creativity on the academic and personal level, they are using the new tools of the digital realm to create a spiritually immersive and interactive experience. These two visioneers will describe the goals and values of their “Treeverse” and we’ll compare the Alternate Reality we know from our work with the Meta experience and ask if we are collectively recreating an “inner technology” lying dormant in each of us, as the Universe speaks to us and through us all, in ways new and old.

Hosted by Laura Lee and Paul Robear. Conversation4Exploration, Conversation 4 Exploration, Conversation for Exploration, Cuyamungue: Felicitas D. Goodman Institute, The Laura Lee Show