Trekking the Wild: The Long Distance Way – Mandy Redpath & Kevin Savage

It’s the ultimate walking meditation — long-distance hiking is an exercise in endurance and perseverance, mentally and physically testing one’s limits and clearing the mind. Immersed in nature, everyday life fades into the background.

Perpetual Long-Distance Thru-Hikers Mandy and Kevin are answering this call-to-adventure. They’ve organized their lives around long-distance treks, spending up to 5 months on the trail, often covering 20 miles daily. They’ve been at it for 14 and 8 years, between them. Their stories and hard-won insights, logistics, and strategies range from short-term vs long-term gratification and the long game, how to re-frame boredom, finding the big and the small rewards, adapting quickly when circumstances change, encountering wild animals, avoiding hypothermia and dehydration, listening to the body’s needs, supplying adequate nutrition and calories, pre-post-and during a long hike, post-trail depression, how we ‘carry our fears’, tips on gear when every ounce counts, van-life, interim seasonal work, building community with fellow Thru-Hikers, and more.

Hosted by Laura Lee & Paul Robear,, Conversation 4 Exploration, ConversationforExploration, Conversation for Exploration,